Boom Blue Sun 2 (1st GNK Linköping November 19th)

hnautsch 85

Went 4-0 in a GNK tournament (3 flatlines, 1 AP win), beating Omar, Whizzard, Valencia and Kate.

Based on thebigunit3000's Blue Sun Boom deck. Changes from his version: -2 Scarcity of Resources, -1 Shattered Remains, +2 Crisium Grid, +1 Best Defense. Never got to use any of the new cards in my matches.

19 Nov 2016 hlynurd


20 Nov 2016 Simone Suka

Scarcity is needed imho. Siphon is not a big problem

20 Nov 2016 hnautsch

Yeah, the choice was made because when I tested before the tournament I never got any real use out of the Scarcity, but I did get siphoned to death in one match.

I agree though, I'll go back to using Scarcity. Really useful to clear an Employee Strike too. Only current I faced in the tournament was Rumor Mill, which did nothing against me in that match.