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Hello, Sashdoes here writer of Mambo Number 1 and I am now here writing my first Runner deck. I've been a fan of Noise for a while and now with the recent obtaining of the Noise promo from a recent convention I played in I've been experimenting with different forms of noise. This version involves locking the opponent from scoring quickly and then breaking into the server with an excellent breaker suite.
Aesop's Pawnshop + trashing Cache Daily Casts on its' last turn and whatever else you need to keep that econ up.
Wyldside for draws, I picked it over Earthrise Hotel because in this deck you wanna draw your deck out quickly to set up your suite, so that 1 click loss per turn for 2 cards is good and you can always Aesops it once every things set up.
Cyberfeeder to pay for programs and icebreakers, cause net gaining 4 of Cache when you install it is beautiful. Grimoire for obvious reasons. (Virus counters on everything you install, makes Hivemind 2 to start rather than 1.)
Now for the "combo" Djinn is set up to fetch your Chakana as well as hold all three. Virus Breeding Ground preferably both out so you're gaining at least 2 counters per turn. Progenitor is a one of only for Hivemind which allows the combo to truly flourish, but you could always put a Chakana or Medium whatever is necessary at the time.
Say you have this set up; 2 Virus Breeding Ground Hivemind on Progenitor and 3 Chakana on 1 Djinn the Corp chooses too purge on their turn, your turn for 2 click you transfer 2 virus counters from Virus Breeding Ground to Hivemind on Progenitor and your Chakana's are back to full strength, leaving you 2 clicks to either break into a remote, or one of the centrals or even fetch econ up.
The D4v1d is for Blue Sun match ups, but also works against HB Glacier very well. I am considering putting 1 Hades Shard in because it does wonders but unsure what to take out. Although realistically you could just run Archives whenever to check it, making sure you trash any Jackson Howard's you come across before you do that of course ;)
That covers just about everything in the deck, if there's any questions don't hesitate to ask and please give your honest feedback :)
This deck has been updated :