SlySquids Genetic Intricacy

SlySquid 4763

That's right folks, crazy ol' Sly made a Labyrinthian Servers deck, with jank like bullfrog and Tenma line...

But after a lot of thought (and less work) I think I have of a very competitive list that plays into the calling of my first love, Replacting Perfection. This is a rush deck with a few fun twists, most of which is pretty self explanatory so I won't insult your intelligence by explaining every little inner working of the deck...

But there are a few things that I will touch on, this deck has little to know end the runs, and the ones it has, I'm able to retract at will, it's this flexibility that will lend itself to both my early game and late game strategies all the wile making my centrals a nightmare for most runners and keeping my main combo alive at all times...

This is a deck that can win fast and will force the runner to play at speed in which most would feel uncomfortable with against Jinteki, "will I cant just run around like a mad man" they will think to themselves till to bluff out a Labyrinthian Server, than they start to think "Shit, I can't let that happen again! I need to run more" and bam! They get themselves dragged down to the bottoms on Aggressive Secretary bay by my LVL1 Wizard Familiar Mr. Bullfrog, or worse flatlined by ice they will struggle to pay for, because my cost to rez for the most part is far less them the cost to pass meaning that the taxing will start early and continue threw out the game...

Granting this is untested and a work in progress but it's very close to my early days of Repping Perfection, this deck is not for the faint of heart, a "tell" will kill this deck, think about it like I do, I act like I'm the tour guide for Jenteki, answering any questions and opening any doors you want to see, welcoming every run will a smile and be sure to ask "are you sure you want to do that?" As often as possible...

So the recap and my thought proses on how to play this is simple, set up your centrals asap, this will create a great base for you to a) bring in some huge cash b) try and Rush an agenda... Never score a future perfect unless it's for the game and don't be a scared to loose...

The last thing that I just found out is that you can wait to see if bullfrog happens before you use the Labyrinthian counter, so your not gambling it...

GLHF ~SlySquid

2 Apr 2015 hatman

Okay, this deck panders to my jank itch like nothing else. Cortex Lock and Komainu are incredible sentries, and Tenma Line looks like it'll do some real painful work. I have to ask, though--why Tsurugi over Mamba? I'd expect Mamba would land some kills more often, and typically looks like more of a hard ETR late game than Cortex Lock.

Despite having played with Labyrinthine Servers in my Tennincat deck, I've never had them really work for me, save as a deterrent once scored. But maybe Tennin isn't happy with LS because it takes two turns of Tennin tokens to score out. RP could give you the scoring windows you need to get LS on the score board.

As always, very interesting deck!

2 Apr 2015 vanguard

The issue with Bullfrog is that early on it does very little. Also I'm curious as to why you haven't included Fetal AI as an extra spikey pungee pit for the runner to be forced into through Labyrinthine Servers?

2 Apr 2015 PaxCecilia

One of the cool things that really stands out to me with this deck is that you aren't running Snare!, Shock!, or Fetal AI to threaten damage, it's all in your Ice selection.

I'd be very interested to read updates on how this deck performs!

2 Apr 2015 PaxCecilia

I also think that Aggressive Secretary is a perfect choice for this deck. Lately when people run advanced remotes they think "Junebug or Cerebral?" and omit a few of the other advancable tricks :)

2 Apr 2015 PaxCecilia

Finally (hopefully not spamming, I swear these were all seperate thoughts) I keep misreading the title as Geriatric Intricacy... which works with Clone Retirement I suppose... ._.

2 Apr 2015 vanguard

Aggressive Secretary is a really nice choice, more so given that many runners have rigs light on programs :)

2 Apr 2015 x3r0h0ur

I think mushin stands out as a card thats very strange here, I don't know that it fills a good slot, since 1 piece of ice doesn't seem like much of a detriment. Shaper will have tutor effects, and crims have inside job, anarchs have singularity and eater. 1 ice won't do a lot.

Also why not fetal AI. With komainu and checkpoint, not being able to not access the installed card seems way better. Also port anson grid could be good to reinforce not jacking out before you score LS.

I believe that kitsune and more damage cards would be much more stressful for a runner approaching an advanced install. I can see RP's ability exacerbating the tough calls of a rush strategy, but I think there needs to be more proactive killing (ronin/emp).

I submit for you my testing with some such decks that lean on some of the same concepts, but before the key cards (checkpoint) were released. Take away any inspiration you might from it :)

Today I'd add 2 komainu, cortex lock, and tori hanzo. I do like the new RP style presented though, internet points.

2 Apr 2015 Dydra

OH GAWD .... It's the SlyD :LD

Joke aside, someone needs to fix that image on Checkpoint, cuz that CLICK icon in front of the sub-routine can make any runner sh*t bricks while sleeping :D

2 Apr 2015 SlySquid

@hatman first I'm glad you like and see the potential this deck has, it's a work in progress and I always welcome your input... So to address your first point, Tsurugi has always been one of my fav ice, to be honest I love the modified ETR on it, it's just so flexable. It'll let me push out an agenda early or even be great on a remote but at the end of the day I want to try and pressure the flatline with the Labyrinthine Servers tokens... If you ever have spare time I'd love for you to try it and share your notes, I loved playing your deck, so I'd really love to hear how you like mine...

2 Apr 2015 SlySquid

@vanguard very great points, so to touch on bullfrog, I agree it's not that great early but it could help me score early if I have it on the remote and push behind it. And with the built in compression that RP offers the May be silly enough to run last click, also that's why I have it set to two copies, it's in there because how can you justify running a deck like this and not having one or two, at the very least it's a nice tax for ZU.13 Key Master (which is everywhere now a days)

Next, I'm building this deck to force reactions and by doin that I wan to pressure the runner with the fact that if he doesn't run often and check my remotes I WILL score out, I find that to any time that the runner will crawl and play super safe against me because that know it's super hard for Jinteki to pressure a win, not with this deck, if I'm at 6pst I Clone Retirement FTW and that pressure will lead to mistakes and eventually to flatlined... Thanks for your input though, let me know if you try it...

2 Apr 2015 SlySquid

@PaxCecilia wow, thanks man!

Ya, my replacating tentacles deck didn't have any either but the beautiful thing is that the runner will always have to think I'm running them, so I get all the fear with none of the deck space!

Ya I really like the Aggressive Secretarys in this deck, it hits three points in this deck, first it goes great with the idea of the deck which is "if you don't have breakers I'll kill you", second it's on the cheaper side of most traps costing half as much to trip than Snare!, and lastly it's a great Mushin No Shin target because most people won't runn till thy have the rig to deal with my nightmare central ice...

Lmao, great, now that's all I see! Cheers

2 Apr 2015 SlySquid

@vanguard I think it's going to be fun!!!

2 Apr 2015 SlySquid

@x3r0h0ur So this is more of a hybrid PE deck with my spin, the Mushin No Shin is arguably one of the best cards Jinteki has and I think I'm leveraging it harder than any deck atm, it's goin to let me crush out agendas and set some monster traps, you need to keep in mind that they have to hit at least one of my central ice befor they even think about hitting a central, so the plan is to not have a super server but play it more fast and lose to try and really pressure the score out...

Keep in mind I like to go against the curve, I don't mind playing less than perfict decks to create a unique experience for the runner, long story short "I do what I want" lol but you deck looks TITS man, I'll have to try it out

@Dydra as always, thanks for coming out dude... I don't know what I'd do without your 2 cents

2 Apr 2015 Shielsy


3 Apr 2015 Scud

Beautiful, wonderful, disgusting jank. My hat off to you, sir.

3 Apr 2015 jimmycorrigan

i just lost to this deck on loser approved! thumbs up

6 Apr 2015 desfrank

Whats your plan if the runner does anything?

15 Apr 2015 GoldenArmKid

Any thoughts on using Edge of World in this deck?

17 Apr 2015 us0rman

please explain the use of himitsu bako to me :D I am sure u have something planned for taking it back to HQ..

17 Apr 2015 hatman

@us0rman Not the author, but Himitsu-Bako is a fantastic card to shut down Eater/Knight decks. It avoids Knifed, trashes Knight, and lets you turn off accesses wherever you need to. If they put down a Corroder, yes, it only taxes 1, but it made them put the Corroder down, which cedes tempo to you, while keeping your nasty sentries online.

In addition, you can use it as a slightly more expensive Tsurugi. Is the runner going to hit an Aggressive Secretary? Let 'em access. If not, leave it on the table. It costs money and a click to reload, but how often are you going to let people access for free?