Adam 1.0

thrazznos 479

First Iteration after some Testing. This is not perfect, but it is an attempt to use some of the tools that I think Adam needs.

1 Career Fair

Super good with Data Folding and Daily casts. Also, super good with safety first, if you manage to draw Career Fair/Daily Casts/Data Folding or Modded/Overmind/Multithreader and also a run event like The Maker's Eye or Dirty Laundry, you can run click click through an ice, then install, leaving you with only 2 cards and triggering Safety First.

2 e3 Feedback Implants

This is so good in Adam, I call it core. Obviously, I want to Always Be Running, so this supercharges the ability. It also has strong syerngy with any money that passively triggers at start of turn, like Data Folding.

3 Scrubber

Dropped this, I didn't like it in every matchup, and having a dead card is super bad with Safety First. I swapped it for Kati Jones, and I think it should work better.

4 Sage

Super good with the combination of Overmind/e3 Feedback Implants/Always Be Running, but I am not sure how much I love it yet. I think this could be really strong in adam for some lategame pushing power, but you really need to score those agendas to make it work.


I feel like this deck utilizes the Directives very effectively, but I am having a hard time using Independent thinking on my directives because I like them so much. Overmind is beast in adam, especially with e3. The Modded/Special Order/Sage is highly experimental and seemingly low impact at the moment.

I think some nice includes would be Scavenge, or Clone Chip. I like SMC for the obvious synergy with Multithreader, but the cards I really wanted to use it with were keyhole and sneakdoor, these might be some nice considerations to reattempt, as I took them out of my first few iterations.