Better Than European Titan 1st APAC

Whiteblade111 3131

An expert summary of the APAC tournament.

This a continuation of the Titan list that the Snarebear group played at SC's this past season. It's braindead Titan, nothing super exciting. The spicy includes are Trebuchet to act as stargate and TTW deterrence, and RLC over a third biotic.

Corps are so bad you might as well play Titan and coinflip out on atlas trains sometimes.

Don't play the weird european thing where they play W2W and Rashida, that's pretty much a meme and not good, just play this list.

I want to thank my testing group, Snarebears, for helping me get on this list, and for all the moral support and cheering. The members of the group are (in no order) analyzechris, kysra, skry, groenkaff, thebigunit3000 and osclate.

If you have questions/comments, hit me up on slack @whiteblade111

23 Jul 2020 Blackhaven

RLCs are a perfect fit, much better than having to defend Rashidas.

27 Jul 2020 vesper

Congratulations on a great result. I believe Corps are not bad. They're evil ;-)

See you at the Intercontinentals!

10 Sep 2020 BizTheDad

Yep, I decided on playing this list after getting crushed by it numerous times. Well done, sir.