nyoooooom - 7th at April AMT

OF15-15 375

Since the fantastic yoloman seems to be quite good™, @TorpedoTyrus and I threw it into @Silent Arbiter's Reeducating the Population. Turns out it is quite good but if you can't find your pieces quickly, this deck doesn't stand much of a chance. Therefore, this deck is designed to be fast. Very fast


The combo

You need Djupstad Grid, yolo man and Reeducation in the remote and at least 12 credits:

  1. Double Advance Reeducation
  2. Rez holoman
  3. Ask if the runner want's to do something (looking at you Stoneship)
  4. Click holoman, placing 3 counters on Reeducation
  5. Since you have priority, you can rez Djupstad and score directly after
  6. Resolve Reeducation's score effect first, shuffling back the same amount of cards as the runner holds in their grip
  7. Do one core with djupstad and flatline the runner

If you don't find holo man, just double advance the Reeducation the turn before. This is telegraphing a lot more, but @Silent Arbiter's deck shows that this combo is strong enough on it's own. Additionally, it's a bit (3) cheaper

Game plan

go fast

really fast

really, really fast

This deck can usually win on T4, although sometimes you don't find your combo pieces and need to wait a bit. If the game is going longer than 6 turns, it get's a lot harder to win.

Card choices

I think I already mentioned it, but we need to go fast. Since games don't last long, we don't care that much about the runner stealing agendas. You're Azmari and the runner would need half your agendas to win. You'll probably deck out before they get that far

There's not much you can do if the runner steals one Reeducation from centrals and the other two are the last two cards of your deck

Therefore we don't mind being at 40 cards and having 4 card less that you don't need for your combo is great.


Reeducation for the Combo and Bellona to trick the runner into spending money elsewhere

Draw cards. Many cards

You've got quite a few tools to do this:

  • Rashida Jaheem has never been better
  • Predictive Planogram is almost always an Anonymous Tip
  • Sudden Commandment actually does a lot of work here by effectively thinning your deck by a card and then trading a credit for a card, since you're going to play an operation on most turns anyway. I haven't used the threat ability much, (there's usually not much threat) but it can be good sometimes if the runner stole something early.
  • Spin Doctor it's usually just a draw 2, but at least it's PAW speed (e. g. killing through stoneship.




  • Piranhas: best ice in the deck, good luck breaking this for 11 with buzzsaw. We definitely don't mind the bad pub
  • Wraparound: 2nd best ice, kills turtle, ice destruction and frog stickers.
  • Rototurret: evening-before include, ETR sentry and a decent facecheck
  • Magnet: Botulus is a card
  • Jua: suggested by @TorpedoTyrus, annoying facecheck and punishes first-click runs. usually on centrals
  • Ping: just some more ice, good nbn ice


While writing this, I realized that there are quite a few neurospike azmaris currently around. I agree with @Silent Arbiter that djupstad is better though and nobody runs pinhole in 2024.

I find the deck incredible fun to play. It's soooo much tempo and the all-in on the combo makes it not that difficult to pilot. And it's the perfect deck if you got less than half an hour and still want to play 5 rounds of Netrunner:

The deck did ok at the tournament, going 1-2 for @TorpedoTyrus and 2-1 for me. The one game I lost was against @🐑🐏🐑 where I was short a card or a few credits several turns in a row until they finally got into the remote and stole the 2nd Reeducation. Was still a lot of fun to play and after mostly bringing kanehl in the last few months, I appreciated the short rounds.

Huge thanks to @Aksu for organizing and to congrats to @Jai for taking the win. Thanks to @TorpedoTyrus for building and testing this together and for some cool time between rounds <3

Thanks as well to all my opponents, was a pleasure to play :)

8 Apr 2024 maninthemoon

Fun list, I love to see a corp playing 40 cards. I've been there a few times and the decks are always a blast!

8 Apr 2024 kevin498

Thanks to this article I can learn more. Expand my knowledge and abilities. Actually the article is very real. dg) customer service