Bewildering Bald Trout (1st & 2nd GNKs)

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goodjobphil 383

Manchester GNK (1st/14)

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Wrexham GNK (2nd/8)

Win vs Val

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Loss vs Kim

Bryan and Sandburg sitting in a tree

Playing ridiculous transactions for free

I feel like I'm always struggling to justify and restricted pick other than GFI in Weyland. Runners needing to steal 4+ agendas gives glacier more time, more time means more cash, more cash means huge ice. Standoff with its latest errata means that it usually functions like a Hostile Takeover, but does better with Archer, Tithonium and Stock Buy-Back. Tapestry goes straight on R&D, as a piece of beef that's good against Indexing. All star of the deck is still probably Reversed Accounts, although usually to lure runners through massive ice and fire Mr. S. Also Tapwrm is easily the bane of this deck, don't be afraid to it away.

20 Dec 2017 waxbanks

Been really enjoying this deck, thanks @lordofthetoasters!

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