Ready, Willing, and Sable 1st and Undefeated @KVD

Bridgeman 2866

Check out the corp I played here!

This was my best try for a good crim list for the previous meta. I seriously considered bringing it to euros but instead I brought it to König Von Deutschland, the team event before German Nats. It did not drop any games out of the four played and is actually very strong in most matchups and is a blast to play :)

22 Oct 2022 Diogene

I saw Virtuoso, I like. Congratulation on your win at the event! Cheers!

22 Oct 2022 Bridgeman

Thanks :D

I love virtuoso too, the incidental accesses mean that agendas are never safe in HQ for long :)

30 Jan 2023 zmb

Isn't Virtuoso a non-bo with Security Testing when mark is HQ tho?

30 Jan 2023 Bridgeman

@zmbSure, but you find out what your mark is before you chose the server for security testing. So in the cases where that occurs you just put it somewhere else, unless you dont care about the accesses :D