Lucky You Too

Reverse 50

This is a remake of an old deck I had, whose main idea is to be less afraid of the runner stealing agendas. In fact, sometimes we want them to steal agendas.

The deck doesn't follow a single archetype, but tries to be flexible.

How to pilot

We have a few tools/partial objectives that help us win.

Core damage

Early in the game we score small, easily scorable agendas (mostly Élivágar Bifurcation, but also any of the 3-advance agendas) in a server with Djupstad Grid. This gives the runner 1-2 core damage, which leads to two victory paths: either it makes the runner an easier target for Distributed Tracing & End of the Line, or it allows us to score Ontological Dependence from hand.

Another way to do 1 core damage is Hákarl 1.0. If we have something to derez (say, a Regolith Mining License, a Marilyn Campaign, a Spin Doctor or a cheap ICE), we can sometimes catch the runner unawares and have them faceplant into a core damage. When Hákarl 1.0 is rezzed, a Ravana 1.0 also becomes very dangerous.

Negative points

We also try to bait the runner into accessing Nightmare Archive, and News Team. If we've taxed the runner enough, often they will accept the -1 points instead of the harsh punishment (easier if we stack multiple of these, eg. in Archives. If throwing one in the archives, it's always worth throwing two, and perhaps a small agenda or two as well). This buys us time to kill the runner.

Besides the traps, we also have one copy of Meridian. In my experience, runners encountering it early just say "what the hell" and take the -1, only to regret it later when they've stolen 8 points but have -3, including Meridian.

Actual scoring

We can win on agendas too, and even if we can't, it's good to try to score a bit to bait the runner to spend resources to steal agendas. If they spend an entire round gett

Usually the agendas we will score are: a couple of one pointers, then an Ontological Dependence (or two if we're lucky), and possibly a Megaprix Qualifier, especially if we've given the runner one so that the other one becomes a 3/2. In some cases we can try to go for a GFI or an Ikawah Project, especially since the latter presents an additional, unexpected cost to steal, even if the runner gets in.

Heavy click taxes

The Thule ability, and running bioroids, means the runner has to spend quite a lot of clicks, which add up. Sometimes they will waste an entire turn on one run, and they will have to have one click and 2 creds to spare by the time they get into the server. This costs us, but we can sacrifice small agendas just for the runner to waste 3-4 clicks and a bunch of creds, only to get a 1-pointer. This slows them down significantly.


Our economy is dependent mainly on Regolith Mining License and Marilyn Campaign, so we should probably not leave these unprotected. We can sometimes afford to place them in the scoring server and click/wait them down, ensuring we'll drain them completely, while we keep agendas in HQ and archives. Spin Doctor can help recover the high-point ones, and we can let the runner steal some of the small ones, especially Megaprix Qualifierand Hyperloop Extension.

Using Élivágar Bifurcation, we can derez the economy assets and get more money out of them.


We need to stack our bioroids two rows deep: one bioroid can be easily clicked through. Ansel 1.0 is good in front of R&D, to prevent multiaccess (or at least to have to be broken for runs on R&D to make sense).

Sherlock 2.0 in front of Fairchild 3.0 is probably our strongest combination.

All in all, this deck did OK in the tournament I built it for. It killed one runner in the first few turns using End of the Line and another one after 65 minutes using Djupstad Grid, but it also was poor and did not manage to prove as significant a challenge as it should against the best runners it encountered. I still love it and it's had some success, so I might tweak it a bit and reuse it.

Possible changes: