Neurospike R+ (2-2 @ Seattle CO)

functor 95

The classic combo of Reeducation and Neurospike got a few updates with The Automata Initiative. The main plan is to rush to install and advance a Reeducation in the remote, and then score the Reeducation with a click to spare, playing Neurospike to flatline the runner. Usually, Seamless Launch is part of that combo.

Of the new cards from TAI, I think the strongest addition is Your Digital Life which shines in a combo deck that wants to draw a lot with Rashida, Spin Doctor, and Predictive Planogram. Games where you fire a big YDL early feel much easier than those games where you fail to see it.

I am not at all sure about the ice suite I ended up on and I recommend trying different approaches. I was hoping people would confuse it for the more common (and very strong) Sparrow Brawler deck, and thus not play appropriately. This worked a couple times but is not very reliable.

This game plan suffers from a lot of high variance. You have almost no chance of beating a runner once they are set up to check the remote every time you advance something and you must advance to get the combo off. Additionally we are playing a combo deck that really wants to see YDL and Seamless in addition to its other required combo pieces so often you just don't draw this early enough and you are dead in the water. On the flip side, a quick set up can be almost impossible to stop. I think my results with the deck reflect this.

I'm curious how the deck can be tuned to be more reliable and would love to hear suggestions. Different ice? Abandon the tag punishment plan? Something else?

25 Sep 2023 Kobayashi
