[Startup RWR] Constrictor+Tagminator - Warsaw CO 1st place

toiry 83

What can I say? It turns out orange activists don't like run-ending-robots, especially if the robots are hidden behind a friggin' river snake.

It can take some time to setup, but it usually wins the war of nerves and attrition against both Seb and Shapers. Seb likes to eat your Funhouses with Crew and Leeches which can be a problem, but that's why you have 17 ICE (and Phoneutria can also tag or keep runners low on cards - which is obviously good for snare/fuji reasons), Adrian, and sometimes even Nisei MK II token to patch holes in your defences.

Shapers are (I think) tougher to deal with, but they tend to run out of steam financially eventually and timely Retribution can get rid of their key card (like Lobisomem) for long enough for you to secure the win.

You should also keep an eye on a possibility of Mindscaping kill if runners don't respect tags (happens sometimes when they got rid of all robots and let their guard down). And snare is a snare:)

House of Knives can be another Nisei if you pilot the deck well enough (bluff Charlotte) to score more of them. I landed on sneaky 3/1 in the end. Tollbooth might be Attini if you need inf, but hard ETR is good and tax of 3 creds hits runners hard (and you are not even that mad if they decide to put Physarum there - you will most likely soon find a turn when you can purge safely). Seamless might be Holo Man.

10 Jun 2024 Toluvel

B-1001 here is really nasty, I love it