Mining Assassin [2nd @ London Regionals]

not_yeti 1121

This deck went 4-0 in swiss beating BtL ๐Ÿ”ช, Azmari ๐Ÿณ๏ธ, PE ๐Ÿ”ช and Ob ๐Ÿฅท, it should have lost it's one game in the cut against Sportsmetal but my opponent unfortunately game lost themselves.

Shoutouts to J0N4LD who did some testing with me before the event, DimBulb who matted at his first ever tournament and Kikai for being the best god damn teammate.

Best bud CobraBubbles played the previous version and went 3-1 getting the one loss to a judge call.

Mining Accident

CobraBubbles suggested this change on the Wednesday before the tournament, 95% of my practice games were against Ob and BtL and the bad pub does a lot of work in those matchups so I ended up shipping it.

At this point the deck has so few ways of getting hard cash in your credit pool and is all in on leveraging the rig, it means that if you make mistakes early you can end up in a much deeper hole but ultimately pays off more in the long game, as if this deck wasn't hard enough to pilot..

Probably a meta question as to which version is better.

13 Feb 2025 Diogene

I intend to pick this up, because I like Jeitinho.

But why is there Simulchip?


13 Feb 2025 not_yeti

@Diogenesimulchip is many things in this list.

  • A cantrip, often played for 0 clicks, 0 real credits and drawing you a card
  • A third revolver, especially important in the slower Jinteki matchups
  • Protection from program trashing, something difficult for criminal to do otherwise, you can afford to chip a Cezve to get back a breaker if needed

You can also do other things like discarding a Curupira and getting it down for free or resetting a Cezve to get in on the final turn but they're more niche

15 Feb 2025 lif3line

Love the iteration on the list, I'm here to advocate for the 3rd Mining Accident if only so you're more likely to be able to play two back-to-back for maximum glee :D

15 Feb 2025 not_yeti

@lif3line glad to hear it, our discussions at London were very interesting.

I could believe that cutting the third Diesel may be right but I'm certainly too chicken to try!

16 Feb 2025 not_yeti

For those interested, I have updated my detailed writeup that is only meant for the most hardcore of Knife enjoyers:

19 Mar 2025 Wenjong

I've been picking this one up for a short while now, and it's incredibly fun and powerful ... thanks sooooo much for the detailed write-up which has been enoumously helpful.

Unironally ... for Ag, and Archer outfit (?), any thought of adding a 1x The Back to basically put at least 3 more guns into the deck, while TB in other match-up at least can free up our "stranded boomerangs"?

(... even further down the TB train, can we potentially tune the diesel package into nuka/stoneship package for slightly more Back target, while we at least have the vials to absorb end game stoneship in a pinch?)

19 Mar 2025 not_yeti

@Wenjong super happy to hear you're loving the deck.

I am currently stuck on playing the previous version of the list and have found cuts to be pretty impossible.

The Back is quite the card, I'd be keen to see how it feels but don't know what you'd cut... the second Sec Testing?

I think 3 TB counters will get you full recursion, 2 Revolver, 1 Simulchip and 3 Boomerang and you'll probably fire it sooner than that so I think Stoneship value is limited but it's more fun off turn stuff.

For a while I really wanted to try out Reclaim which fulfills a similar role but I found it difficult to manage.

19 Mar 2025 Wenjong

Yea Iโ€™m on Maemi now too rather than the 2nd mining accident, to get some liquid cash probably based on how Iโ€™ve been playing โ€ฆ Iโ€™m actually on 1 gamble too vs. the 3rd doof as a Maemi outlet but this might just be my skill issue ๐Ÿ˜‚

For the cut, I think 2 sec testing is essential to our very illiquid cash situation, not that we necessarily need the 2nd one installed but we really want to see the first one โ€ฆ I actually would suggest the 2nd vial, but yea I hear myself why suggesting cutting hardware is not necessarily the way to go.

Anyway just food for thought and reclaim does seem to be a easier TB too ๐Ÿ˜Š