Yolo Self-Defence (Muenster CT UpGr8)

ain 8

I've never done this before, but I'm writing this report because I want to celebrate this first tournament in Münster since the FFG era. @sciurus_vulgaris did an amazing job preparing a location, providing snacks and drinks, advertising the event with new and established players, obtaining awesome prizes, running the tournament itself and scouting for places for regular meetups. Cheers to him for putting in all that work and growing our amazing community! Also thank you to everyone from around the area showing up to play!

The event was a casual tournament consisting of six rounds of single-sided swiss. There were 13 participants in total. We had many new and returning players in attendance, including myself. There were plenty of snacks and drinks for everyone. In fact, there was more than we could hope to eat, so maybe come visit and help us with that!

I've been playing Netrunner since around the release of Honor and Profit in 2014. With the end of FFG, COVID and then the unfortunate shipping situation in the EU the local Netrunner community disappeared. I kept following the game, occasionally playing with friends and incessantly gushing to strangers about my beloved game. Only in recent months have I heard of people looking to play in the area on the german Netrunner discord server. Fast forward and all of a sudden theres a tournament in two weeks and holy shit I have barely had time to play, not to mention get comfortable with a deck. So I just netdecked this.

The deck is Self-Defence by @znsolomon. I'll take any way to steal corp money and ruin their day. The deck promised to do that and it delivered! It went 2-1 on the day. The one loss can easily be attributed to my carelessness. It's a great and fun deck and led to some very enjoyable games. It's also very powerful.

The corp deck I used can be found here


  1. Round 2: LOSS vs Combo PD - Starting with an easy DoF into some econ only to be reminded that YDL doesn't care and gets up on credits at light speed. This was my first match with this deck and first Runner match of the day. PD manages to rez a Wage Workers as I watch their HQ grow and grow in size. I start tunnel visioning on HQ in panic. Despite having more than enough money I forget about the Wage Workers sitting in a remote like a bunch of sickos generating more clicks than is appropriate. I really have been out of the loop regarding the card pool, which was exemplified by a last click run firing Cupellation only to find 2 Ikawahs. Yeah, this is a card in the game. PD effortlessly scored out from here.
  2. Round 4: WIN vs Loud PE - PE leaves open HQ turn 1, which I can answer with DoF immediately, followed by trashing their iced Prāna Condenser. From there they are constantly on the backfoot and never manage to recover as they slowly bleed agendas.
  3. Round 6: (undeserved) WIN vs Holoman ASA - Following a strong initial DoF i make a huge mistake and Mutual Favor for a Curupira instead of Aumakua after ASA rezzed Drafter on HQ. I get hugely punished as all econ I see from there on consists of DoF or Hot Pursuit. I'm in damage control mode from here as ASA quickly sets up a Holo Man remote and proceeds to score out agendas. The game goes to time and with my last two clicks I decide my only hope is to get two successive scores from R&D which also can't be Ikawah Project. I go for it and access a Project Vitruvius with my penultimate click. Last click run R&D and I find a... Luminal?! Earlier that day Fredo told me he had built the deck with Luminal, not realizing it was banned by now. He intended to swap it with an Orbital Superiority, which was comfortably sitting in my scoring area. Up until this point in the last round of the tournament he hadn't drawn into it, which imo just goes to show that it should be unbanned. /j Either way I end up sneaking a win with a ton of luck after making a huge mistake in the early game.

I ended up placing 3rd on the day, and was lucky to be gifted a Cat's Cradle playmat by the event winner, who already owned one! I was overjoyed! Thank you to everyone attending! I had a great time. Hope to see you all again soon in Cologne, the Ruhr Valley or the next time in Münster!