Sunny's got connections

Krams 949

Under Construction

  • This deck is currently untested and probably doesn't work smoothly. It's my first shot at Sunny and I'm looking forward to try it.
  • Tri-maf Contact, Professional Contacts or Kati Jones? I'm not sure... Currently I'm running Kati for influence reasons.
  • I'm very excited to see how [Dr. Lovegood]/(en/card/09042) will perform...
    • You can interrupt Earthrise Hotel if you have drawn enough cards, saving power tokens for later.
    • You can use him to save 1 per Hostage use by shutting down Donut Taganes during your turn.
    • He can save you 1 on Drug Dealer.
    • You can use him on New Angeles City Hall, if you expect to steal an agenda that turn.
    • Using him is not optional, but what if you don't want to use him that turn? Simple: Let him shut off himself for the turn.


Not much to say here. Don't loose traces, don't get tagged. I mean it, do NOT get tagged.

I hope that the Donut guy will slow down the corp more than me, since, well, I have no events. So the plan is, to bring him out early, probably using the first Hostage I get.

If you ever manage to install everything in the deck you should end up with 3 of 5 used, so that Data Folding keeps going. And you get a total of 6 , which is reasonable, I think. Using Rabbit Hole's ability to install all three at once along three copies of your console you should be able to get the link up pretty fast, making full use of both the console and the Security Chips.