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Standard Ban List 23.09 (latest) |
Standard Ban List 23.08 (active) |
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Just wanted to create a very simple runner deck that could also be somewhat competitive. Standard breaker suite. Nothing fancy in the console. Various ways to get money to pay for those breakers.
Silhouette: I just like her. I also like that most corps assume my plan is to go after HQ. I almost play criminal ID's as a bluff.
Gorman Drip: Is less about econ and more about just letting it sit there eventually forcing the corp to waste turns purging and if they don't, that's fine too.
Zona + New Angels + Decoy: I've found that this combo creates an excellent drip econ. It's vulnerable but the tag evasion protects it better than expected. Even if it is trashed, there are other ways to make money.
Sneakdoor: to be played early game to force them to spread out their ice or late game to pick at HQ annoyingly.
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