I hope you got the warranty v0.1

wily-odysseus 119

This is a sketch I just threw together after seeing the new spoilers for The Underway and getting excited about brain damage. The game plan is pretty straight-forward: eat the runner's brain with some combination of Cerebral Overwriter, Self-Destruct Chips, and Ryon Knight, amplified by Defective Brain Chips and Sentinel Defense Program, then finish them off with EMPs and Snares.

Enhanced Login Protocol is standing in for Defective Brain Chips (current, 2 credits, the first time the runner takes a brain damage each turn, they take an additional brain damage). It's almost certainly too light on money, but I like the basic shape of it quite a bit. Possible substitution would be to swap out some or all of the Snares for Jackson and The Twins, who could be an interesting way to set up Ryon Knight by eating up their clicks with an extra bioroid encounter (especially nasty if it's a Janus).