The Process part be [The Process]

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Just Play Better 14

Made by having different people pick 3 cards at a time.

14 Jun 2020 NEW GUY

Tell me more about this unique way of deckbuilding.

15 Jun 2020 martinimon

Hey New Guy! Essentially the 3-4 of us on Just Play Better try and make a corp and runner together, starting with the corp. We arbitrarily pick who's going first (picks the ID) based on who's had the most wins, lowest wins, funniest wins etc. Sometimes we allow one ban/roated pick, as we change stipulations often.

We then take turns picking a card (slotting 3 copies of said card (unless limit one), cards that can have 6 copies, still only have 3 slotted in at time.
We are allowed a single vito/pass on a card, but that is really used. 2 of us at Just Play Better try to make proper decks or the very leas try to mitigate the process to make them somewhat functioning, while one of us is a bit more chaotic/random with their chocies.

Our first games are the runner and corp process decks just built play against each other, then we'll play some other random jank with them, or other process decks.

We have played these jank decks against a couple real decks, normally these go badly but we have won against others who sniped our games.

15 Jun 2020 Just Play Better

If you suggest a card happily chuck it in as my first choice next time we do the Process.

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