Kate - Core ONLY

DJBlacklight 8

Needed a Kate deck and this I found is the best build with only a core set available that is MWL compliant

17 Mar 2016 DarkMite2

I understand you card pool, so that’s rough. I was going to write up a handful of suggestions, but decided it would be easier to show you. If you have any questions, please let me know. GL & enjoy!


17 Mar 2016 DrMarodi

Don't forget that you cannot use Desperado and The Toolbox at the same time - both consoles. Lose Desperado - you'll have 4 more influence to spend (for example a second corroder and a second ninja).

17 Mar 2016 GrantZilla1979

Drop the Desperado and the Ninja- and toss in Mimic, another Datasucker, and a Parasite.

That introduces an example for pretty much every game mechanic concept I can think of for the Runner - fixed-strength breakers, AI breakers, virus tokens, ICE trashing, prevent effects, expose, link/trace.