Let's Play Eclipse! - She Runs with the Best

Cobalt 458

Welcome to the Let's Play Eclipse! series - a collection of decks for those interested in playing the Eclipse format but who are perhaps a little unsure about the expanded card pool, or just don't know where to start. Feel free to play them directly* or modify them to come up with your own designs!

*Cobalt Corp. accepts no responsibility for the performance, or lack thereof, of any listed deck.

This is a classic Andromeda deck; slam your Desperado and Faerie down and get running. Desperado rewards you for every run you make, so the more you touch, the more you earn. Getting a Security Testing and John Masanori down (as well as a Datasucker or two) makes those runs even more profitable!

Your disruption cards are Sports Hopper and Political Operative for not dying and trashing pesky assets, respectively. You may wish to include some No Free Lunch as well or instead depending on what you expect to see.

Remember that with Andy you get a 9-card mulligan too, so if you're hunting for a particular card you have a pretty high chance of hitting it.

Run with flair, and should you fail, at least make sure you look good doing it.

Based on / inspired by: Toron's Eternal Reg Crim

Restricted card: Yog.0

Mulligan for: Desperado, Security Testing, Career Fair