NEXT 2.16

Razalhague 37

I played this deck sometime around halfway into Lunar cycle, and it did pretty well. Probably won't hold up against modern runners though.

If there's less than 2 ice in the starting hand, mulligan. With this strategy, and 21 ice in the deck, the probability of starting the game with different amounts of ice:

  • 3 or more ice: 46,2%
  • 2 ice: 46,1%
  • 1 ice: 6,2%
  • no ice: 1,4%

On average, this deck starts with a click advantage of 4,7.

This is a rush/FA deck. The goal is to rush out either an Efficiency Committee or a Mandatory Upgrades in a remote (this is what the Fast Tracks are for), then score 3/2s either with the extra click, or with EC counters and Shipment from SanSans.

2x Sweeps Week to help give an advantage against Andromeda (who is one of the toughest matchups for this deck). Also, it's good burst econ, and the rush part of this deck needs good burst.

The Aggressive Secretary is there both to open up scoring windows later in the game, and to mess with people who've seen the Mandatory Upgrades in a previous game.