Reptilian Overlord

Snake Eyes 4651

The core concept of this deck is to Haylay combo 2x Chameleon onto. London Library, with an Autoscripter installed, so it is a clickless makeover, leaving you four actions to run or do whatever you want. Chameleon is the best card for London Library because you do not need to spend a click to bring it back to your hand at the end of your turn.

LLDS Processor swings the combo even further with bonus strength.

13 basic economy cards, and 5 discount cards with modded/career fair.

Untested, but once I get the datapack I'll sleeve it and see where it goes!

29 Jun 2015 lolpaca

You can only Hayley-install the first Chameleon onto London Library, not the second, since London Library's a card ability with a specific cost. You'd have to spend another click to get two on there.

29 Jun 2015 FarCryFromHuman

With 3x Career Fair you may as well run Professional Contacts instead of Symmetrical Visage.

@lolpaca is absolutely right about the combo; you'll be paying 2 a turn to install that second Chameleon. Cards like Scheherazade, Cybsoft MacroDrive and Sahasrara can help you there.

Net-Ready Eyes is popular in this deck setup, as is the Datasucker/Parasite combo to keep no more than 2 ICE on each server (foregoing the need for 3x Chameleon in hand).

29 Jun 2015 Snake Eyes

Oh it doesn't combo eh?

Welp, that kills this deck then.

Scrapping it.

29 Jun 2015 FarCryFromHuman

It doesn't kill it at all, you just need to make some adjustments. There are already dozens of these decks all over netrunnerdb, take a look.

29 Jun 2015 lolpaca

Why not run Dinosaurus instead of Astrolabe, then you can install the first Chameleon on Library and the second on the Dino after Hayley's ability triggers?

29 Jun 2015 FarCryFromHuman

In short, with 2x Chameleon, London Library, Autoscripter and Hayley Kaplan: Universal Scholar, you can as any one of your four actions install both Chameleons for 2 and get your back. With a single Sahasrara, it becomes totally free. Comboey, but Chameleon and Hayley are already decent without any of the additional pieces and each piece you add just makes it more efficient. This archetype is just starting to be explored, and probably won't be tier 1 without more in its bag of tricks, but it is far from dead.

29 Jun 2015 FarCryFromHuman

@lolpaca Dinosaurus is incredibly solid here as it works well with Personal Workshop (Hayley competes with Nasir and Kate for best shaper to use PW with). I also really like Box-E with Hayley in general, and it's even better here as you don't want 2-3 of your max handsize tied up with Chameleon if you can help it.

29 Jun 2015 lolpaca

RE hand size, it's worth noting that Chameleon bounces back after the runner's discard phase happens, so there's no need to increase hand size as long as you keep playing your Chameleons each turn :)

29 Jun 2015 FarCryFromHuman

Oh I totally had those phases swapped. Good call. I still like Box-E though, for all the reasons I normally would.

30 Jun 2015 gandrasch

The +2 handsize are even better in the setup phase because you can overdraw with prof contract or earthrise.