[Startup] Replicating Herfection

gloompunk 23

I hate going to the dentist

A while ago, while chatting on the startup channel of the GLC discord, I had an idea: use Front Company to make an RP style deck but in RH! And behold! (no, not that one) the third or fourth iteration of that idea!

On paper, this is a pretty standard RH gameplan: dump a 3 pointer in archives then score Regenesis. However, instead of building a remote server from hell to prevent Regenesis from being stolen, stack up your ice on centrals and then plop Front Company down as soon as possible. That way, even if they survive running to turn off FC's ability, they won't have money or clicks left to trash it and steal your Regenesis.

Now, to explain some card choices:

DBS: Card filtering and making R&D multiaccess moot. Bury your Regenesis if the time isn't right! Get that econ or piece of ICE you need! This card can easily be replaced with something else, but I like it here.

Nani Grid: I don't think I need to explain this one. As strong as it ever was, especially in RH.

Spider Lady: ...honestly, this is mostly a leftover from when I ran Mindscaping in here and idk what to replace it with lmao.

Punitive: Mostly as an inf dump but surprisingly effective in RH. It's a pretty solid backup plan if all your Front Companies get trashed and/or have all your Regenesis stolen. They steal Fujii, you send in the Not-pinkertons.

Ice wall: Cheap ETR that RH, and Jinteki as a whole, desperately needs. Also feeds Nani and it was a way to spend my inf.

Is this deck flawless? Absolutely not. The gameplan can crumble easily by trashing, lucky steals, or just plain bad luck. Could it be better? Yeah 100%. I'm not the best at spending inf and I can think of other cards that would work better in here.

Anyways, I had fun building this deck and playing it, and I hope you do too :D