Diet Theory - Uber Filter

SamJMV 4

This is a deck I have been toying with for a while, disclaimer, it is in not way shape or form finished yet!

The idea behind piloting this deck is this.

Turn 1: You NEED Paige Piper on the table, muligan for it, Seriously! The card is so good as an uber filter on you deck. Diesel and Quality Time suddenly become incredible cards!

run your breakers on Personal Workshop as you would expect and host Femme Fatale on Dinosaurus. a femme at 4 strength is an amazing thing to have and it just makes life so much easier.

I tossed and turned with the econ set up as in testing (even with Magnum Opus i stil found myself poor, mainly because this deck wants to run far before it can walk, as we are going to be drawing cards like crazy anyway Symmetrical Visage is a nice addition to gain a click free credit.

Public Sympathy just make life easier, a small filtered deck with a +4 hand size is AMAZING! not only that but it ofsets either stimhack runs or helps with PE pinging card out of your hand.

NOTE: yes i know that there is not Self-modifying Code or Clone Chip... Honestly, this deck doesn't need them, by turn 4 it become so consistent and you can simply draw, Diesel or Test Run for anything you need. Test Run a Femme Fatale next turn host it on Personal Workshop is just lovely!

How to win: set your rig up to run R&D as fast as possible, multi access with The Maker's Eye and facecheck stuff with stimshop. basic netrunner, but faster, not drawing dead cards helps speed the entire process up.

Any advice/Critisims are very welcome, this is my first published deck!

Will update when I take this to our FLGS championships!