[Speedrunning Startup] Queen to See Seven

pouchsurfer 335

This list was developed for the stream "Speed Running the Startup format", Sanjay and my attempt to set a world record by winning a game with each of the Startup runner IDs with only 20 minutes per ID. Check out the stream here on Saturday, July 2nd, 1 PM EST.

In my mind, the Red Queen is all about presenting the corp with a tough choice: either rez ICE and overpay, or save money and let down the defenses. With this list, we want to punish the corp for taking either of the two choices.

Xanadu doubles our credit tax, and applies it to all ICE rezzes, not just the first in a turn. We can force repeated expensive rezzes by putting big ICE to sleep with Tranquilizer, and can make ICE virtually unrezzable with Tread Lightly. To tax not only credits but also corp clicks, we can resort to ICE destruction. En Passant makes the corp think twice about not paying our tax to rez (and it combos very well with our other tricks). Chisel and Devil Charm makes rezzing big ICE a futile yet pricey endeavour. And when we cannot run, we still want to make the corp take a tough choice with Forged Activation Orders.

With all this trashing, Demolisher seems like a good way to make some extra money on the side.