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Standard Ban List 23.08 (active) |
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Deck valid after Fifth Rotation |
I went 4-0 in a startup CO this weekend with my runner going 3-1 for a clean 1st place. Check out my runner deck here.
I was pretty set on bringing PD. It's always solid and can be fast enough to outpace and tax out early boat aggression. You can of course get blown out by a T1 boat, but if you stick a skunkvoid then you can cheese it out or at least make it close. I went back and forth on agenda suite but I'm now pretty convinced that this is the best option for PD in startup.
The game plan is to score a SAM. You need to in order to win. But this gameplan is much faster than the lists that expect to score out 4 agendas. You don't have time to score over 4 turns which is why I think this strategy is optimal in startup. If you're looking at 19 agendas and want to swap the Project Vitruvius for an Élivágar Bifurcation, dont! If you score a SAM then it's likely a dead agenda and a liability. SAM is actually a sick agenda when you're rocking 6 thicc boi agendas. Few games the tides swung in my favor when I got a SAM stolen and rezzed an Ansel 1.0 on RND allowing me to push the remote safely while not bleeding out on RND.
This was a super tight game. Runner got to 6 points pretty quickly from early aggression but wasn't able to close. I was able to stabilize, ice all centrals with defensive upgrades locked in remote, but I couldn't draw agendas! One of the downsides of only running 8 agendas. I had to stick an Anoetic Void on R&D and ETR every turn for a few turns while the runner poked HQ and R&D a bunch. Eventually I was able to draw an agenda and have enough cards in hand to not lose on a stacked R&D. Thankfully no pinhole showed up that game!
I had no business winning this game. Neal was able to snipe both Voids from my hand and R&D and also hit an early 1/5 agenda. This was one of those games where I had to plan a few turns ahead in order to successfully score out but managed to eventually stablize a bit, get lucky on some Conduit digs and eventually after Spinning back Skunkworks and Void was able to see them again which allowed me to secure the remote play. This was a crazy tight game where I felt quite lucky to not lose on R&D. Again, 8 agendas coming in clutch here!
I took a questionable mulligan on this one with only one piece of ice and flooded up super hard. The reason why I took it is because it had skunkvoid in the opener. I even sprinted on turn 3 and drew 3 agendas making it even worse. I managed to ice all centrals and pitched an agenda in archives. The benefits of being flooded as PD though is you can score very quickly. I managed to get juuust enough ice to keep Kevin out while being able to score out pretty quickly. They clicked through a Braan one turn to see 3 and only stole a SAM which locked up R&D. This was super lucky as I had 2 more agendas in hand. After that was able to just score out before they were able to get breakers and contest.
This game was pretty textbook PD shenanigans. The agendas came when I needed them and fortunately it took Drew half of their deck to find their boat so I was in the lead from the get-go and managed to control the game pretty well. He saw a Nico in my hand and was able to never advance an offworld to score out even after he Pinholed the manegarm from the remote.
The only change I would make to the deck is to make room for another Manegarm as I would have loved to always have one in the remote. Plano's were great as you can recover from early rezzes so I loved having 3. Surely you'll think of a better way to use the last inf but I dgaf, the deck is solid and I really liked having the ability to either draw 3 or ez mark. Clear 3x for me. I also don't think you should go down on Spin since that's your best card vs Esa. /shrug leave it for god.
23 May 2023
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