TMNT Raphael

Diogene 4490

YAAD and 40 cards to boot. But this time, I'm trying to take advantage of anarch. It may seem a more natural fit, and it kind of is.

Aumakua+Datasucker+Knobkierie = cheat mode AI.

Heap breakers allow you to have something in your sleeve after apocalypse. And the ID ability become so much more useful after an apoc.

While the deck is neat and tight, it is slightly weak to tags. No tech for that.

Multiaccess is with Turning Wheel and Stargate.

Thanks to chaosof99 for the insights.

31 Aug 2020 diafoirus

Just a heads up that the deck list contains neither Cyberfeeder nor Mining Accident although both are in the write up.

1 Sep 2020 Diogene

@diafoirus Thanks, I forgot to edit that part with the new iteration of the deck. The Criminal (Leonardo) and Shaper (Donnatello) version of this deck seems to work better for now.

1 Sep 2020 chaosof99

I find Day Job to be at odds with Aumakua conceptually. Day Job forces you to take a turn off for money, while Aumakua thrives only if you can make constant accesses. Dirty Laundry seems like a much more natural fit, even though it is a less bountiful source of credits. For an apocalypse deck this list also has a surprising amount of installables.

1 Sep 2020 Diogene

@chaosof99 Maybe replace the Sure Gamble by Dirty Laundry. For my part, I found that Day Job allow me to start or restart better. Having that 10+ creds on the next turn enable the deck much more. This should be tested.

You are correct that there is a lot of installable. This is because the aim is to Apoc around turn 10, plus or minus 2. This way, you should be able to put some pressure on the corp, forcing it to put cards on the board. Once you clear the board, you'll both restart, but you should have a bigger advantage. Like I said earlier, the criminal and shaper version worked better. Maybe only one Apoc and 2 TTW, to get 2 Boomerang? The core is Apoc + Turtle + Datasucker. But Labor Right would be a wonderful card here, if you find the slots.

Even if I say it is the least successful of the TMNT, it has successes. This Anarch version let you put much more pressure early, with Imp and Stargate. Paperclip is downright the best barrier breaker in the game. Since most ETR ice are barrier, it help a lot in restarting the turtle.

Please let me know more of the results of your games with the deck. It is always appreciated.