Amazonian Foundry

voltorocks 207

I built this deck the minute I opened the spaces between, and it's been doing really well for me so far; in our local league, it is so far 8-0 (I am delighted to say, works great so far against the fotm Andy Decks).

[edit: commenter over on BGG pointed out that mother goddess is unique, which is not how anyone has been playing it around here (I guess we foolishly assumed it was intended to be useful) not sure how badly this will affect the deck; playtesting will tell]

The basic Idea is to use Amazon Industrial Zone to rez Ice on your terms for basically free. This triggers the Foudry, and with the Next ICE and Mother Goddess allows you to rapidly and cheaply tutor and rez a fortress of synergizing ICE. Then you make money and advance shit behind it. Nothing fancy, just hella powerful combos.

I would really welcome anyone's opinions, questions, criticisms, whatever!

Card Choices: Agendas:

Efficiency Committee: A Killer HB agenda, and much easier to score than Mandatory Upgrades. I usually use it to churn for cash with GRNDL or Melange. Also pairs well with sansan for a fast score.

Eden Fragment: bananas for this deck. stack the ICE higher! 5/3's get easy to score, and this is way better than ...

Priority Requisition: 5/3 filler, the ability can also save you some creds or help recover from runners de-rezzing you ICE.

Project Vitruvius: very versatile; and easy 3/2 to score, or a late-game powerhouse to bring back all your best cards.

NAPD Contract: originally this was Mandatory Upgrades but I found it was just too damn hard to score, and that I really didn't need it. NAPD is the perfect filler.

Assets 'n Upgrades.

GRNDL Refinery: you won't often have more than one remote, so economy assets you can use and trash are perfect. In a pinch, this can also serve as a bluff to cost the runner a mountain to get in and trash.

Melange Mining Corp.: efficiency committee's best friend, use it and lose it once you have the cash you need.

Private Contracts: I actually use this less often than the other assets, but I made it a three-of because it's a great card to have in a pinch if you get stuck with an agenda in the slot and you can't afford to advance it properly. Install this in a new remote and churn it; runners are loath to spend 5 to trash it even unprotected.

Amazon Industrial Zone: Just, wow. this ID was made to run this I think. keeps your hand chock full of ICE to use elsewhere, and builds an impenetrable tower to advance behind very easily and cheaply.

Ash 2X3ZB9CY: need I say more? when a server costs like 25 credits or a bunch of valuable one-time use cards to break into, ash is the least welcome sight to a runner.

Caprice Nisei: if I had unlimited influence, this'd be a 3-of. Caprice is so so good, especially for protecting a central. If you still think she's "all luck," you need to read up on competitive rock-paper-scissors; there are a lot of psychological strategies that can make this mechanic very hard to beat.


Biotic Labor: cause you need to score agendas to win.

Green Level Clearance: too efficient to not include; I have never been unhappy to see this card.

Hedge Fund: because duh

Interns: great economy card once your towers get 4 or 5 ICE high; I've also used this in a pinch to recover a noise-trashed agenda or upgrade I want to install.

Shipment from SanSan: pairs really well with efficiency committee; I've won 2 game points already with this when a runner thought bankrupting me with vamp or siphon would stop a score.


NEXT Bronze+NEXT Silver:very strong already (without gold) and a natural fit for the ID and amazon. I rarely end a game with less than 6 rezzed (incl. Mother goddesses) so for example one silver alone costs 6 to break with corroder.

Mother Goddess: Primarily used to boost the NEXT ICE.[edit: apparently no one in my entire town noticed this card is unique; we've all been playing it, but now it looks pretty weak. I may have to adjust, or just wait for Gold to come out]

Pop-up Window: I had extra influence, and they make free money. Voted most-likely-to-replace-if-I-find-something-better.

Grim:there are a few programs out there that can spoil your fun; Morningstar being chief among them, but there are others too. These make for a nice surprise for when you really need it, and the tutored copy in your hand lets them know another could be lurking under any unrezzed ICE you install from there on out.

Guard very versatile and cheap sentry ETR. may be replaced when gold comes out, but for now makes an excellent foot soldier.


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