The Runner Who Doesn't Run

Kroen 315

No breakers? no problem. Here's your game plan:

Start of turn: Sell 2 viruses, 1 for Aesop's and 1 for Chop Bot. Having 2 viruses to sell each turn shouldn't be an issue with the ridiculous draw power this deck has.

Your turn: Don't do anything except installing viruses and milling the corp to death. Deja Vu, Clone Chip and Uninstall should help you reinstall the same viruses again and again. Trash naked assets/upgrades with Imp if you must (especially Jackson and Sansan), and then use Gravedigger to mill some more.

Win conditions: Either by decking the corp or by stealing 7 points from archives using Hades Shard. If you're shorted out you can always reuse Hades via Deja.

18 Apr 2015 x3r0h0ur

scavenge would probably be better than clone chip, doesn't cost anything, and it works on every virus for 0 cost.

18 Apr 2015 Kroen

Scavenge clogs your hand though. But I see your point.