Next Grail (not Next ice)

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Funshade 141

This deck ended up helping me get to 2ed place of my store championship (final match just deck giving up 8 agenda points by turn 3)

The point of playing Next is to set up FAST. and get in some quick scores wile the runner sets up the rig. further increaseing this is the Grail ice punishing any runner going without the full rig set up.

The big seller of the deck is IT department just making it impossable to get into any server. Guard there for Femme Attacks vs the IT department and stacking grail can deal with david making a runner have to break 6+ subs to get in. With Effiecency committee helping you set up IT department fast. So fast that they have a 1 turn window to trash it. Clicking it 3 times, install then putting 5 power counters on IT department will quickly spiral it out of control

Running punishing face checking ice such as Grail Enigma and Architect means they can just pressure a server free of charge. you WILL buff them and it will take a toll of them if they cant break it unlike the next ice where they just pound it every turn forcing me to spend power counters to buff it.


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