Swiss Army

Shannon.L 117

This is a pure experiment, for now. I don't yet believe this is a game-winning deck... but with the Library, I think the Professor has a lot more going for him than most give him credit for. Please, offer opinions - I have a feeling this could be a truly competitive deck.

The idea is to build a toolbox filled with all sorts of interesting and juicy toys, along with the leverage required to use them well. Included are all of the fun things, from Sneakdoor to Clot, to D4v1d, Medium and Nerve Agent and Parasite. Efficient breakers and targetted breakers, things that can bounce to your hand and things that just destroy other things with impunity.

It's weak in econ - but it relies on Opus for most of that, with the sneaky 'backdoor' economy of Dinosaurus and the Personal Touch to boost the appropriate icebreaker for a given opponent into brutal efficiency. Toys like datasucker and parasite, while not as powerful as in a dedicated deck, can be recurred repeatedly to ensure that the lack of depth doesn't matter too much.

The play should be straightforward: as you suss out what your opponent is doing, you'll start to tutor in the relevant breakers. Once you've got a good idea for a strategy, cards like Djinn can let you pull exactly what you want from your pile of possibilities to arrange whatever rig makes sense to pull apart your opponent.

Certain specific cards, notably Femme, D4v1d, the dogs - grow exponentially more powerful when dropped on the Library, You can also Scavenge out of the library to install a card out of your hand for clicks instead of creds.

Got someone who is leaving their HQ undefended? Toss in a Nerve Agent to make him sweat. Empty archives? Sneakdoor Beta your way to victory. Jinteki getting you down? Net shield. Fast advance? Go grab your Clot.

The key, of course, is knowing what you have to know what you need to go acquire, and how you want to run things.