
GPWK 142

I've played a Supermodernism deck for a while now, and I thought I'd try my hand at putting my own spin on it. I have no clue if it'll be any good, but I think it's got potential. I'm gonna test it out over the next couple weeks, see if it's worth a shot.

26 May 2014 Saintry

Here are my thoughts since I'm also used this deck (and I actually liked it lol):

Why not Chimera instead of Rainbow? It's a little cheaper; False Lead can be an alternative to slow the runners down, rather than Posted Bounty which can slow you down since you're waiting for Scorched Earths; Junebug can be noticed by runners nowadays, add it for J-How or use 3x Anonymous Tip for more draw speed (1 click = 3 cards); Hives don't fit there since your agendas are fast enough and it just depletes its ETR subroutines fast also; Swarm is also albeit uncomfortable to pay since Supermod decks need cheap ICE to utilize for SEA Source and Snares, I recommend adding another Guard, or if you like putting 2x Grim since it's 5 to pay for 5 str; This one also needs Restructure to abuse the ID's ability

It's still your call though, those are my thoughts

26 May 2014 GPWK

Point 1: Rainbow over Chimera
- In my local meta there are a lot of AI breakers. Chimera costs at most 2cr for an AI breaker (Darwin) to get through. Rainbow costs 5-6cr, and usually at least one Click as well if the breaker is Crypsis, 4 turns (or virus counter combo cards) for Darwin to get through, and as the only 4 strength ICE, takes a dedicated Atman, or a Datasucker to get through it.
- Both cards are Early Binary ETR ICE, but where Chimera turns off and becomes more of a pain to the Corp late game, Rainbow becomes at least a small tax, being 3cr or a datasucker token to get through each run. By the second rezzing of Chimera it has already cost more than the first rez of Rainbow, for not much of a different outcome.

Point 2: Posted Bounty over False Lead
- The version I played previously used False Lead rather than Posted Bounty. In the 2-3 months of playing that deck I never managed to use False Lead to win the game once.
- I liked the idea of being able to land a tag without needing to win a Trace battle. If the Runner has seen Scorched Earth from HQ, they'll be playing very Tag conscious. In many of the games I've played my opponents have kept an eye on my credits, making sure they weren't more than 4-5cr behind so that I couldn't land the combo. Advancing and scoring Posted Bounty on click one, followed by a pair of Scorched Earth takes that factor out of play. Not necessarily a primary strategy, but one that can make all the difference late game.

Point 3: Project Junebug
- When everyone knows how to look for it, they expect it. If they trash the one-off copy from R&D, they have no idea that it is a one-off. Everything is suddenly subject to scrutiny. Running anything advanced 2-3 times becomes a much riskier proposition. The lone copy throws a wrench into many runners' pacing.

Point 4: Jackson Howard over Anonymous Tip
- I've never really been in a situation where I needed to draw all the cards while playing as the corp. Jackson strikes me as a way to waste the runner's time and money destroying something that I didn't care too much about to begin with. Swapping from a card that was just as likely to sit in HQ as it was to get played to a card that can get played as a distraction and tax with extra utility seemed like a pretty good choice to me.

Point 5: Hive
- Though it depletes, rendering itself less effective the longer you go, it is still a significant obstacle that assists in getting those first couple points through. The 5 subs + 3 strength mean that it's gonna take someone with a Corroder 6 credits to get through a lone piece of ICE in the early game. That can be enough to set up a scoring window for an overscored Project Atlas or The Cleaners.

Point 6: Swarm
- Swarm is my "Why Not?" card in this deck. I realize it could just as easily have been any of the other sentries and made the deck more efficient, but I really love the look on someone's face when you rez a 3x advanced Swarm, rather than the Ice Wall they were expecting.
- So basically no real defense of that choice aside from "I like it".

Point 7: Grim
- Much like some of the other card choices, I dropped Grim for a pair of Rototurret, mostlly because they are useful in the same scenarios, but Rototurret doesn't give me a Bad Pub, and also Ends the Run. Grim is practically useless at the base of a Remote (Except maybe above JHo), but Rototurret will do it's thing effectively anywhere.
- Both are shut down by a single Killer, but while Grim may officially be more taxing, it also gives the runner an extra credit for every single run.

Point 8: Guard & Restructure
- I like Guard. He is nifty for making a 1-ICE remote that people are gonna try to use Inside Job to get into. Another copy of him may get added as this deck evolves, but I thought 2x would be alright. The deck is already fairly Sentry heavy, after all.
- Restructure is interesting, but I wasn't sure where to slot it in this build. Maybe instead of Power Shutdown? It's got a huge cost, but that payoff is fantastic, so it probably deserves a try at least.

And those are my thoughts reacting to your thoughts. Hopefully I've explained my thought processes about those choices well enough.

26 May 2014 GPWK

TL;DR I thought about most of those choices when I made them, and thought I might have more fun the way I decided to do it in the end.

29 May 2014 Saintry

'Twas a good twist though

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