
Curupira 3[credit]

Program: Icebreaker - Fracter
Memory: 1 • Strength: 1
Influence: 3

Whenever you encounter a barrier, you may spend 3 hosted power counters to bypass it.

Whenever this program fully breaks a piece of ice, place 1 power counter on this program.

Interface → 1[credit]: Break 1 barrier subroutine.

1[credit]: +1 strength.

Take only what you need.
Illustrated by Júlio Rocha
Decklists with this card

The Automata Initiative (tai)

#15 • English
Startup Card Pool
Standard Card Pool
Standard Ban List (show history)
  • Updated 2023-10-04

    Can the Runner use Laamb to make a piece of ice into a barrier, then bypass it with Curupira?

    No. Curupira’s ability can only become pending at the beginning of the encounter, in the same reaction window in which Laamb’s ability becomes pending, but it only does so if the encountered ice is a barrier. Since the ice does not become a barrier until Laamb’s ability resolves, it is too late for Curupira’s ability to meet its trigger condition.


Curupira (🐾😈) can bypass every three times it breaks.

Against 1s/1↳ ice, each power counter is $0+$1, and thus each bypass is just $3. For example, it can “farm” weak-enough/outer-enough Barriers (like triple-breaking a Ping or Ablative Barrier), as Aumakua “farmed” weak servers (like triple-breaching Archives); then it can bypass any ≥5s/≥3↳ big boys (like Pharos and Brân 1.0) or “when encountered” mad lads (like Data Loop). This induces its own fun little mini-game.


  • By incentivizing server runs elsewhere, and even distorting (non-derogatory) ice-placement, we care about where barriers are as much as what they (and their static breakpoints) are. More icebreakers should be like Curupiras or Revolvers)! (See below.)

  • IMO, the repetitiveness of a fully break condition is mitigated on Fracters (unlike Bukhgalter), since Barriers ↳ End the run (which you'll want to break anyways), and many lack any incidental/secondary subroutines (like Border Control’s first sub).

Curupira-likes” (which trigger-conditions place power-counters):

  • Whenever a barrier causes the run to end, …
  • Whenever you make a successful run on HQ, …


Flavor: In Tupi–Guarani folklore, the curupira has a fiery head, backwards feet, and preys on hunters who take more than they need.

(The Automata Initiative era)

They couldn't make this start with a power counter? It's like they don't want Rigging Up to save 3 credits and give a power counter to anything anymore(only Atman and Hyperbaric in Standard). I understand that cards printed before the charge mechanic(if it has a power counter, it can gain more) were introduced (in the Midnight Sun Set) and wouldn't start with power counters, but this came after.

As for being a fracter, it's fine? It's roughly Corroder equivalent after you include the bypasses. bypass is a thing for some card synergy. might help with a big barrier.

(The Automata Initiative era)