Jinteki Biotech - All Options Viable

BreakAway8 48

This is my first deck published to Netrunnerdb.com. I'm hoping to get some feedback. I've found that all three potential divisions of Jinteki Biotech work well with this deck.

The Greenhouse (spend 3 clicks to flip and place 4 advancement tokens on one card) is used for fast advance with priority given to scoring Utopia Fragment.

The Brewery (spend 3 clicks to flip and shuffle Archives into RnD) is sorta useful and I'll mostly choose this division when playing against Anarchs (looking your way Noise). However, it does hurt the effectiveness of placing traps in Archives (such as Shock!). BUT it does diminish some of the sting of Apocalypse.

The Tank (spend 3 clicks to flip and deal 2 net damage) is, while not as overtly strong as the others, dependent on my opening hand; if it's full of net damage cards I'm going to pick the Tank.

I've never had a problem with money in this deck due to the sizeable economy portfolio. Back Channels has been included as a sort of insurance against a Project Junebug being ignored by the Runner.

Patch and Experiential Data are often used on Cortex Lock and/or Rototurret.

Will be getting the Honour and Profit expansion soon which will likely drastically change this deck, however I would like some feedback in the interim.

Edit: -2 Experiential Data -1 Adonis Campaign -1 Project Junebug

+1 Tsurugi +1 Biotic Labour +2 Valley Grid

11 Aug 2016 CommissarFeesh

Minor point, I think you need to check your understanding of the term "Fast Advance". In Netrunner FA is used to mean installing and scoring in the same turn so that the Agenda is never left vulnerable in a server. That being the case, I'm not sure how you're 'fast advancing' any agendas.

You can however "Never Advance" which is where you install cards in a scoring remote and don't advance them. This is particularly useful out of Biotech if you are running Biotic Labor as you mentioned in the description, as it allows you to Fast Advance a 4/2 or even 4/3 now that Improved Protein Source exists, or even Never advance a 5/3. It also allows you to make plays like have a never-advanced Ronin, and use your flip and make the kill-shot the same turn. Dedication Ceremony is also ace with Never-advance Ronin.

11 Aug 2016 MrHuds0n

The thing about playing Biotech is that if you go for all 3, you are never actually good at either. You generally should focus around one strategy (that's probably Brewery because all other ones are massively suboptimal) and figure out the deck this way.

11 Aug 2016 BreakAway8

CommissarFeesh you're right, perhaps "Fast Advance" was a poor choice of words. Sneak advance? As in placing a 4/X agenda in a server and not advancing and then flipping Greenhouse on the next turn to score.

Protégé I would (probably naively) disagree. The identity states that you may choose the division before your first turn begins. This, to me, indicates some level of flexibility. It is interesting that you think the Brewery is the most potent of the divisions as I've heard that Greenhouse is the most popular...

I've since tweaked the deck to expand upon Upgrades and Ice and have included a Biotic Labor.

11 Aug 2016 BreakAway8

@CommissarFeesh you're right, perhaps "Fast Advance" was a poor choice of words. Sneak advance? As in placing a 4/X agenda in a server and not advancing and then flipping Greenhouse on the next turn to score.

@ProtégéI would (probably naively) disagree. The identity states that you may choose the division before your first turn begins. This, to me, indicates some level of flexibility. It is interesting that you think the Brewery is the most potent of the divisions as I've heard that Greenhouse is the most popular...

I've since tweaked the deck to expand upon Upgrades and Ice and have included a Biotic Labor.