What do you have to lose by not including Jinteki cards in your HB deck? Snare! is great for RnD and HQ protection and setting up a surprise kill. Mushin No Shin can be an important fast advance card and a good bluff alongside some Cerebral Overwriter. The biggest loss here is Caprice Nisei though, and that alone might be enough to discourage the use of Custom Biotics: Engineered for Success.

So without access to these cards, what are you left with? You can still threaten the tried and true SEA Source/Midseason Replacements/Scorched Earth combo. Fast Advance play is definitely an option as you can slot in 3 copies of SanSan City Grid and still have 13 influence to spare. You can still make a great Glacier HB (although not having Caprice here will definitely hurt.)

There are definitely a lot of options that Custom Biotics: Engineered for Success opens up with so much influence to spare. And the loss of Jinteki cards isn't that impactful for the most part. So why doesn't it see play?

Simple: Why play CB when you can get the pure economic advantage inherent in Haas-Bioroid: Engineering the Future? And that's what it usually comes down to with HB. EtF still have the best built in econ in the game, and with added access to Caprice Nisei, that is why CB will almost always remain in the binder.


This card is insanely powerful and flexible in any virus wielding deck. 1 click and 0 creds for 2 virus counters? That's nuts. It's kind of crazy that it doesn't see more use. Don't believe me? Prepare to be SURGED.

Parasite taking too long to kill those pesky Tollbooths? SURGE IT! If it doesn't kill it out right, it's at least Yoggable the turn after you Parasite it. Or, just outright kill any <=3 str ice. That's value, mofo.

Playing Noiseshop and want to make insane amounts of money fast? Lay down a Cache and then SURGE IT! That's 2 clicks for 5 credits. Nearly a Queen's Gambit without the gambit!

Speaking of Noise, how about Gravedigger? One measly asset trash and you can mill 3 cards off the top of R&D! Not to mention the one you milled by installing Gravedigger.

Medium/Nerve Agent taking too long to get scary? Don't give them time to ICE up! SURGE THE SHIT OUT IT! One run and a Surge and your next run accesses 4 cards!

Sick of your Imps running dry too fast? Don't waste a Clone Chip! Just SURGE IT! Now you have double the Imp for only half the price!

Wanna slow the Corp down and force a purge? Throw down a Chakana, run R&D and then SURGE!! Watch them cry as their Astrotrains go flying off the rails.

Feeling really batshit crazy? Why don't you finally make that Deep Thought deck you always wanted and SURGIFICATE IT!!! Scope out R&D and snipe them Agendas.

Don't even get me started on Hivemind...

The worst thing you can say about Surge is that it takes up 3 deck slots. But you don't really care do you? No. You don't.

Get out there and SURGE.

If you have a Grimoire, you can just SURGE any of those viruses immediately upon installing them —
Then you can SURGE the SURGED viruses for maximum SURGAGE. UNGGH —
It's certainly fun and versatile, but I'd draw the line a little way before 'insanely powerful'. Certainly the three deck slots it takes up are an immensely valuable resource that could probably be better employed. —
I dunno if the caps clued you in, but there is a certain amount of hyperbole included with this review. :V —
as a new player sometimes it is hard to tell with these reviews. —
How does this work if you have multiple programs that received virus tokens and several of the same program? What is "that program" as far as the target of Surge? —
I've never had so much laughter SURGING!!!! through me at a review in my life! :) —

Wow. Just....WOW. I have not played with this card yet, but trust me, I will be using up three card slots in my deck in the future and surging... well let’s just say a lot.

With a scored Improved Tracers (new 3/1 agenda coming out soon in Data and Destiny), this ice becomes a 4 STR, 4 sub sentry with base trace strengths of 2, 3, and 4. That's a monster of an ice for 5 credits, especially in NBN: Making News. Just make sure you have an Exposé or Witness Tampering nearby to deal with the bad pub.

What about a Broadcast Square & ChiLo City grid? Giving 7 tags with 1 ICE :) —
On the other hand, if Sunny (also data and destiny) becomes popular, it's likley a blank card at best and a waste of credits and clicks for the corm at worst. —

Since exposing is very underutilized in Netrunner, it isn't very likely that the net damage will ever land. (Unless you are playing against Silhouette: Stealth Operative, but she isn't very popular either.)

Trashing a program for a click and two credits is good value, but it's the runners choice, which severely limits the punch in the mid and late game. Also, if there is a Crypsis or Overmind on the board it is worthless.

At 3 influence, it's not even likely to be splashed, so there is no surprise factor with it being played out of faction. All in all, a very weak trap, although the flavor is fun.

aaaand it doesn't even have to be a program, as I just noticed. so the runner could just trash a nearly depleted Armitage...even worse. —
Even if exposing were popular - which I agree, it's not - and even if exposing ICE were common, rather than the focus being on cards in servers to see if they're worth breaking into or not - the runner's not going to expose this more than once to find out what it is. So it's at best a one-off hit of 2 net damage. —
Only possible use I can see for it is to counteract Au Revior/Snitch builds, and then they'll just run a different server instead. I like defending cards, but so far, this one is utterly terrible. —
I think this ICE has potential with other ICE like crick or architect - it's worth trying out in my opinion —
I didn't think about Snitch, but yeah, that's definitely an edge case. Crick combo could be cool. Maybe in Industrial Genomics? —
I think it could work in a range of decks, including Genomics providing you have multiple cricks and ways to deal with decoders. I personally see it's a trap as support for Jinteki code gate decks that use lag time and encrypted portals - this will then force them to pay big bucks to break crick over and over or repeatedly forfeit installed cards to trap —
OK, bit of a noob question but is exposed not the same as if the runner encounters it? Technically if he didn't know what it was it is now exposed. —
