Magician Nasir [1.1.6]

RedSoxx 7

Magician Nasir is a deck based around making your credits vanish in an instant (via Personal Workshop, Self-modifying Code, and Study Guide) so that nothing is wasted by Nasir's ability, and re-appear, for pure profit. Because there is a paid ability window when you encounter ICE, you can choose to use them before Nasir's ability triggers, allowing you to use whatever credits you have on you before they disappear.

NOTE: Since this window is when encountering, but not while in the breaking-phase, you don't get to boost the strength of your breakers, unless they are something like Gordian Blade or Study Guide.

The rest of the deck is made up of some standard economy options like Symmetrical Visage and Dirty Laundry (notable as the credits you make from it aren't affected by Nasir), as well as a lot of Recurring Credit cards, like Multithreader. These are the other half of the package that makes the deck tick, as they are partially your drip-econ, making runs affordable in the long term, but are also important as "spare" credits that don't get drained by Nasir, allowing you a few more in case you get surprised by something really nasty. (They're also great for Study Guide).

The breaker suite is mainly about getting the best value for our breaks, so that our recurring credits go as far as possible, but also are very low cost, ensuring we can dump credits into Self-modifying Code and Personal Workshop without needing too many credits saved up before-hand. If you have an SMC, there's almost no ICE in the game that can take you by surprise if you have 5 credits, since all the breakers cost 3 or less. Also notable, Atman's install ability can be paid for with Multithreader, and other than that we also run a single Femme Fatale and a Hunting Grounds for protection against NBN stuff, specifically tags which are a huuuuuge no-no in a deck so reliant on Personal Workshop.

As for piloting the deck, always try to have at least something sitting on Personal Workshop, enough that you don't have to waste any credits on Nasir's drain, as well as the "free credit" at the start of each turn. Make sure you manage your instant speed abilities well, as well as the recurring credits, you can get through most ICE with these breakers after Nasir goes off, as most ICE's subs+strength are proportional to the cost.

Interestingly enough, many things that work against other runners, aren't that great against this deck (facechecks into big scary ICE, long taxing servers, etc), but the opposite is also true, where Nasir can be stopped in his tracks completely by a simple Pop-up, unless you have a Study Guide and at least one recurring credit source. Traces are also very scary for this deck since you naturally sit on a very small number of "real credits" between turns. And again, floating tags will lose you the game in this deck.

If you can play around these factors, the deck is extremely fun and flexible, able to react and adapt in an instant, you can be very aggressive very early and force the corp to lose money rezzing ICE, while you make a profit, while still being able to securely survive just about any face-check. The deck also scales exceptionally well into the late game, getting the great R&D Interface lock going, going big-rig with lots of MU for multiple Multithreaders and The Toolbox for loads of "free runs".

2 Mar 2016 DrMarodi

Nice lineup! I was just wondering, what if you cut one Corroder and one Mongoose and add the third Self-modifying Code... This way you'll have more influence for other stuff, for example a couple of Fall Guys to protect your Personal Workshops (also good source of free midrun credits). Hunting Grounds is great for Nasir Meidan: Cyber Explorer one more should be better.

2 Mar 2016 enk

What's your solution for Ash/Caprice when the corp rezzes a cheap ICE before you access?

2 Mar 2016 umchoyka

Any reason for not slotting in Order of Sol?

2 Mar 2016 RedSoxx

@DrMarodi I found I didn't really like the 3rd SMC, it clogged up my hand and MU more often than not, however that was also before I put in Akamatsu Mem Chip, so it may be worth trying again, and yeah I'd most probably take out the 2nd Corroder for it, but the 2nd Mongoose has made a pretty large difference when the corp starts stacking sentries, but I also have Femme Fatale and Atman so I'll try it out. Hunting Grounds is fantastic, but also sometimes a dead draw, and I kinda hope the Femme Fatale can fit as the second one. I really like Fall Guy as an idea though, and I honestly just hadn't thought of it before :P

@enk Unfortunately I haven't found much of a solution to this beyond simply running early & often enough that the ice doesn't become a potential liability later, but if the corp is smart about leaving one behind there isn't much I can do in this version, especially against Ash because of the weakness to traces. The aforementioned Fall Guy might help here though

@umchoyka I tried Order of Sol for a long time but ultimately found it kinda "meh", especially in this deck you're often dropping down to 0 credits before Nasir even triggers, giving you a free credit to spend then, but then it does nothing when Nasir actually goes off, when it would matter the most, but even without Order of Sol Nasir generates enough money to get through most ICE anyway. It's certainly a card that works nicely with Nasir, but I feel there are other econ options for him that are more reliable

3 Mar 2016 enk

The problem with Fall Guy is that he nets you 2. Trashing Ash needs 3$, and playing a psi game with Caprice also makes you want 3 so that you can trash her in case you win even if you had to pay 2 to win.

I have tried Scrubber which is definitely a good card to have in this world of Museums, but for my Nasir deck it didn't really work. You have to install him proactively, and sometimes the 2 is hard to come by. Also, you can't play psi games, and you need to trash Ash if your real credits hit 0. It's worth a shot though.

Personally, I have currently slotted 2x Ghost Runner and 2x Cache for this purpose. I like Cache especially because you can get it mid run from your workshop or from the heap. Sometimes even doing the weirdest thing, SMCing a Cache, can be the right play. It's the real magician's trick, making your money disappear only to have it reappear shortly afterwards.

In the future PolOp can also help with this issue, as you can just shoot those pesky upgrades when you do have the money, at least once they have been rezzed anyway.