"How much influence is SanSan City Grid?"

Rene Reed 105

alt text

Deck History

I needed a throwback deck for EMEA

Multiple failed ideas

Youtube recommends me funny Sokka video

Good shit

Try to copy the deck

NBN version feels dreadful without News Team and Stock Buy-Back

PD + Biotic is an infinite as long as you have money

Make "HB Gaming" list

I cannot playtest throwback on public Jnet

Make a standard legal deck to test the shell

MFW it won games

MFW it won games in APAC

MFW throwback version is 10x better



Mull for Mwanza on centrals early and pray, if it works out it was all acording to keikaku, if you fail you need to get better at gambling

(Translator's note: Keikaku means plan)

Clot, Esa and Hermes are not real, use the power of manifestation

Card count and assume the worst odds for Mwanza acesses

You win with 30 credits, focus on getting money while you sculpt your hand for tools while you score easy FA agendas (always return Biotic to hand)

Click for credits/IAA NGO if you have to, let them dig for you in RnD so your draws are more valuable

Élivágar can turn off Mwanza

RLC/Fast Break into Chiriboga is Biotic Labor at home, use it to extend the final combo dig/score

If Shaper keep Sprint for Burner

When the time is right Fast Break for SanSan, Arella and Agendas then loop Biotics for the win

APAC Results

Game 1 vs CheekFake - The game where the combo works

Game 2 vs WhiteBlade111 - How the fuck did I win this one?

Game 3 vs MrStyx - Get humbled by Stargate and cry

Game 4 vs RTsa - Get too cocky with the FA's get Mwanza starved and die

Game 5 vs Szczwany - The absolute most miserable win possible

Finishing Thoughts and Thanks

I hope no one misinterpreted the write up's tone, as it's all in jest, if anyone wants me to take down any of the replays please let me know!

I joined APAC at the last moment to get some practice games with Sokka's Lat deck before dropping and going to bed and I ended up scamming my way to the top half!

I had a blast at APAC and I cannot think of a better way to conmemorate my first two months playing this awesome game

All my opponents were wonderful and made the experience super fun

I wanted to thank Sokka and Kikai for the super fun Runner deck and Corp deck idea

And my friends at MoM who welcomed me at the start of my netrunner journey and are super fun and supportive (Without any order Choux, Erika, Wenjong, Cocoro, N00dleSoup, Gorphax)


15 Jun 2024 N00dleSoup

I can't believe this won games [complimentary]

15 Jun 2024 PreNic

I have played it right now for the first time, I think I have done 7 points in one turn! :D

15 Jun 2024 Wenjong

New flavor is always good flavor. ^^

410 757 864 530 Never Punished

15 Jun 2024 CelestialSpark

Do you think playing this in PD is better than just having Powers That Be > Bass loop in Sports? Sports kind of substitutes itself for the need to play Mwanza.

15 Jun 2024 Rene Reed

@N00dleSoup``@Wenjong I hope you are prepared to play against this thing at some point hahaha <3

@PreNic Im proud of you! keep gambling

@CelestialSpark Probably? In the idea that this deck was a shell for a throwback deck PD was the better choice, but for "standard only" it would probably be worth it to test it with sports and see how it goes

Im not a fan of the clicks needed to setup Powers > Bass (iceless), and the versatility of always being able to threaten FA with biotic from hand with free recursion and +1 hand size ended up being very valuable and won me a game against an installed Hermes (it moves the Arella install back to hand breaking the combo loop)

15 Jun 2024 CelestialSpark

To be clear, the Sports deck can still play 3x Biotic and either Biotic > Restore Powers that Be or RLC Bass/Powers from hand, and when you kick off with an Elvigar you have an extra click anyway which means you don't need Bass to stick on the board, only Powers. It's not particularly hard to get that loop going, and then your 3-advancement agendas cost 2 credits each instead of 5 since you're Sports.

Being able to just credit up and only score with Biotic is definitely nice, but you can technically just do this in Sports as well, just will need to draw more/get them back with Corporate Hospitality. It's not clear-cut to me that the Biotic recursion from PD is necessary. Hand size is obviously nice, though.

16 Jun 2024 Sokka

Good shit.

16 Jun 2024 erika

The one cool pf deck of the tournament

16 Jun 2024 erika

Pd* (why can't you edit comments)

16 Jun 2024 Rene Reed

@CelestialSparkNot saying that you are wrong! it is definetly an interesting idea to test and might prove better, I just felt comfortable with this version and didn't branch out to more variations yet

I appreciate the feedback!

@Sokka I appreciate it <3

Thanks again for being so kind to my comment in your Lat deck and for encouraging new players like me to get into and enjoy the game

@erika The trick to deal with skill issue is to take skill out of the equation