Legality (show more) |
Standard Ban List 23.09 (latest) |
Standard Ban List 23.08 (active) |
Rotation |
Deck valid after Sixth Rotation |
Packs |
Crimson Dust |
Kampala Ascendent |
Downfall |
Uprising Booster Pack |
Uprising |
System Gateway |
System Update 2021 |
Midnight Sun |
Parhelion |
The Automata Initiative |
Card draw simulator |
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Repartition by Cost |
Repartition by Strength |
Derived from |
None. Self-made deck here. |
Inspiration for | |||
sunset dogs | 0 | 0 | 0 |
I Love Puppies | 3 | 0 | 0 |
Include in your page (help) |
This deck is the result of a Jnet night where I was constantly blocked out with Aumakua and always missing one of the other breakers. Annoyed, I threw them all out and tried the dogs. It worked better than I thought. With the dogs, Leech, Inside Jobs and Boomerang you usually get your Aumakua tokens back up very well after a purge.
The game plan is to find 1-2 agendas while throwing Bravados, Bahia Bands, Jailbreaks, Carpe Diems ect at your opponent and then win with Deep Dive.
I brought this deck because I love to play Criminal and expected few glacier decks. And fortunately, I haven't played against any.
The plan against glacier decks is to intimidate your opponent with a super confident look on your face and hope for a quick win through lucky top deck agendas before they realize you're bluffing.
Barcelona was fantastic, I had great, scary and super nice opponents:) Thanks to everyone who organized, played, streamed and helped to make this event possible.
Very special thanks to gegenzeit for all the decktesting before Worlds.
18 Oct 2023
jan tuno
18 Oct 2023
Wow... I did not realise how extreme your breaker solution was. Love it! Congrats again on the finish! |
19 Oct 2023
Baa Ram Wu
Love this! Always a big fan of a deck that makes an innovative ice breaking plan work at a high level! Congrats on the finish! |
19 Oct 2023
Love the deck, looks like a lot of fun! I was so glad to see Swift Sable on top tables :) |
1 Nov 2023
I love this, that’s the same issue I have with Aumakua. Looking forward to trying this out! |
waaaa, amazing