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guirto 8

14 May 2014 x3r0h0ur

This an example of take all the cards no one plays, with good reason, and slap them on top of a build that, if cut to 45 cards (removing the cards no one plays), would be decent.

14 May 2014 Sibelius

Maybe without that Wyrms would be better. I would stay with 1xCorroder, 1xMimic, 1xYog.0 and that 3xKnights. That would work for me. I don't fine enough cards to save your economy... And obviously, choose one of the consoles.

Oye papasito, el maso está tó rico no hagas caso a los frikasos que te coman el pedaso

14 May 2014 guirto


Well, I guess everyone here has noticed that I am a newbie. I really appreciate your kind (or not) comments and suggestions.

Gracias, compadre! Existen ciertas teorías que...

14 May 2014 guirto

Hey @x3r0h0ur, I've just read your response to this comment to your deck called 'Back to basics Anarch':

“you should work on these before you publish them”

Please, practice what you preach. It happens that THIS is a deck that needs some feedback.

Thanks, man.

15 May 2014 Sibelius

That's what I call a payufo.

15 May 2014 x3r0h0ur

@guirto I was not saying that you shouldn't post it lol. I meant to circle back around and actually make some cuts and repost, but I got side-tracked. If you read more into my comment, what I said was that there is an alright deck in here, with 12 bad cards tacked on top.

-3 deep red -1 disrupter -3 pawn -3 rook -2 wyrm -2 hard at work -2 force of nature

That gets you 4 free slots, where I'd put +3 armitage +1 public sympathy.

These thin your deck, make it more consistent to draw, don't run cards you don't need/are inefficient, and the adds give you more money, and make sure your hand size is up since you don't run plascrete.

If you don't find blackmail useful enough (not enough Bad pub in your area), slot deja vu, its fantastic in anarch, you might even want to run that over something else! Breaker and virus recursion is great!

I don't advise you run with viruses and caissa, its just too much MU and time investment.

It seems like you're in the curve before you realize that you should rely less on your deck, and more on your play to get you in and do damage. Thats why we can omit lots of cards that seem good, but really you can just play better and not need them.

I apologize if I came off as harsh, tongue-in-cheek is hard to express online :)

15 May 2014 accless

Let's try and be constructive then:

It's a good idea to try and cut back to 45 cards. You play some very important cards out of faction and you will draw them faster from a 45 card deck than a 57 card deck.

You can only have one console in game at a time so you should either cut Grimoire or Deep Red. Since you seem to like the chess programs, you might want to keep Deep Red.

With that in mind, you can cut down on your ice breakers. You will generally not need this many because you can either kill ice with parasites or bypass ice with Knight. So, as has been suggested above, running 3 Knights and 1 or 2 of each Mimic, Corroder and Yog seems like a good choice. Wyrm is a fun one but Knight or even Darwin (which you don't really need either) are simply better in most situations. With Yog and Mimic in your deck, you should consider playing Datasucker to accompany Parasite to get through higher strength ice. It also works nicely with Noise's ability being a cheap virus. While on the subject, Bishop helps there, too! And he's a chess program.

Lucky Find is an excellent choice for influence, so is Special Order and Networking seems decent. Borrowed Satellite on the other hand seems unnecessary. You do not draw enough cards that you'd want to keep with that handlimit +1 and the link only pays off after a rather long while considering the cost of satellite. Same goes for Public Sympathy. You could either add Wyldside for card draw (or something out of faction like Diesel or Quality Time) or cut them entirely. Maybe add Plascretes if the bigger handsize was to protect against Scorched Earth or other meat damage.

Lastly, maybe Noise isn't what you're looking for in your ID. You play only a few viruses, which can still pay off dearly, don't get me wrong, but Reina goes rather well with the chess team and has some lovely interactions with Rook, especially with Xanadu on the field.

I hope this was helpful and have fun playing!

15 May 2014 x3r0h0ur

If you wanted to go the chess route, I'd suggest going to whizzard, drop everything virus related except maybe parasite and maybe datasucker, use 2 of each fixed breaker + corroder, and 3 knights, drop grimoire obviously. Try to drop in casts or armitage, once you use fixed breakers with bishop, and sucker, everything is cheap, so passive/drip is much better, and you shouldn't need boostable breakers. If you do this I would strongly recommend adding deja vu.

15 May 2014 guirto

@x3r0h0ur we are cool. Don't worry.

@x3r0h0ur and @accless, thank you very much on your comments. I'm playing tomorrow and will test the suggested changes. Will comment.

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