First deck attempt, please tear apart :)

MrSatan 1

First deck attempt, please tear apart :)

26 Feb 2015 Apon

Most of what follows in generalizations, but is is relevant to the deck you have built. Also, it looks like you are only using core cards and Honor and Profit to build. If those are the only cards you have, some of this advice will be less relevant, but should still help.

Okay, big things:

Influence is your friend. You have fifteen 'influence points' worth of cards to bring into your deck from out of faction to make your deck better. For example, a common card to being into a deck like this is Cerebral Overwriter, which run you 2 influence a piece. Any cards that are not agendas can be brought into your deck, however some cards, like Wotan, are too costly (5 influence!!).

Jackson Howard is your best friend. Did you draw six agendas in your first ten cards? Jacky can shuffle them back in. Need more cards? He's got you covered. This card is almost as ubiquitous as Hedge Fund in corp decks. Almost always an auto three-of.

You want your agenda density to be as low as possible, and especially in decks running lots of one-pointers (which works well with your identity), this means you want 20 agenda points, and 49 cards in your deck.

More minor things:

The Future Perfect is an amazing, nigh unstealable agenda (just never install or try to score it), and it fills in this deck nicely, likely replacing the Priority Requisition's and two Nisei MK II's. Also, if you have it Fetal AI is a great agenda, and it could easily replace the Nisei MK II's or the Private Security Force's, which are both hard to score,\ and get active with only limited ways to tag your opponent (hunter and cerebral casts).

Also, you seem to be trying to do some tag punishment, and having one Scorched Earth makes all the difference.

Its nice to have Neural EMP as well as a guaranteed finisher.

You look like you could use some better economy, and there are some burst econ cards from other factions that could help.

Your ice could be better, definitely get rid of Data Mine. Use some influence to get some more ice. Also, Enigma is a nice choice. Finally, checkout this decklist:

Its also looking for the kill and has some common and uncommon uses of its influence. If you want to look for other influence spreads, you can search for others on nrdb.

Good luck deckbuilding!

26 Feb 2015 StarryVeck

Spend some influence! If you're going to run Cerebral Cast, it benefits from some cards that prop up either outcome, e.g. Scorched Earth (which has the added bonus of throwing the runner of balance if they see it when running a central) or Closed Accounts to make use of the tag, or Neural EMP to help finish off a reckless, brain damaged runner who is recovering from a Komainu/Psychic Field access.

None of your ice ends the run, which is ok in itself but cards like Neural Katana are a little weak to breakers such as Mimic, which is very common today. Obviously the Chum and Inazuma are both great if you get them in a good position, but are maybe not the most important includes when the rest of your ice is so porous. Not sure Hunter is doing much for you either...

Looks like you've got just the core set and Honor & Profit, is that right?