Noise in the Red Dress

DrunkenGineer 855

This deck takes all the sinew holding the recent Noise "V" regionals-winning deck together, rips it all out, and replaces it with...connections. I have no idea if it has competitive merit, but I know it'll be fun as hell to play.

The idea for the deck came together when I was looking through some non-tier-one cards and got a flash of inspiration:

What if, when you milled cards with Noise's ability, you could know what you were milling?

There's one card that lets you reveal cards off R&D before they're drawn: Woman in the Red Dress. Unfortunately, it costs 4 influence; we want to be a bit more frugal than spending 12 influence to get a single card in play, so let's throw one of those in the deck, add a couple Hostages, and go from there. While we're at it, why not get some more use out of the Hostages, and add a couple more connections? After that, the rest of the deck built itself.


The main goal of the deck, as its name would imply, is to get Woman in the Red Dress into play in a timely fashion. From there, the mindgames can begin:

"Let's see what's on top of R&D. Ooh, I like that card, it looks good there. Do you want to draw it? No? That's a shame. You know where else that card will look good? In archives."

And then you play a virus, or DLR it, or even run R&D and Imp it out of spite. That happens a couple times, and the corp will start milling himself to keep you from trashing his goodies!

As for your endgame, if the corp hasn't won by the time you've trashed a decent portion of his deck and forced him to use all his Jacksons, congratulations. Get into archives or establish R&D lock or blow up his hand or something.

Card Synergy


Hostage can grab all of the influence-costing connections in the deck, as well as Josh, John, and Kati, so you can grab the ones you want based on which you've already drawn and which will be the most effective in the present scenario. If you've already got a piece or two out of the stack, you can even get Fall Guy out to dissuade the corp from trying to trash them.


On top of its normal utility, Imp protects you from untimely accesses of agendas when you want to keep NACH or The Source in play. It prevents the corp from feeding you small points to get rid of them, and also turns off Punitive, Philotic, and Midseasons. Even though you can just decline to pay the additional cost with The Source, that won't prevent the corp from simply scoring on the next turn. It's also your only way to pull untrashable cards out of HQ.

New Angeles City Hall

NACH is your protection against the corp tagging you up and trashing all your resources. At least in the early game, you want to avoid tags to prevent an early scorching. When you want to make a run for an agenda, or when you plan on taking tags, just sell it to Aesop!

Data Leak Reversal

You have at least three ways to turn DLR on: Vamp, Joshua B., and John Masanori. From there, you can mill to your heart's content until the corp decides to spend time and money blowing it up.

Aesop's Pawnshop

Between Aesop and Scherry, you should have more than enough economy to stay perpetually poor but never broke. Aesop in particular lets you turn off The Source (if you finally plan on stealing some agendas) or Woman in the Red Dress (if you feel like you've inflicted enough psychological torture on your opponent for one game) and make $3 in the process.

Other Potentially Useful Cards

You could definitely find room for Stimhack in this deck, and Sure Gamble is always a welcome sight (if you don't have to click up to play it), but if we start making functional changes, the deck might get dangerously close to competency.

You could also replace Aesop and Mr. Haas one-for-one with any of a host of other two-influence connections (Donut Taganes, Mr. Li, Professional Contacts, or even Data Dealer), but I don't think any combination has as much synergy with each other and the rest of the deck as those two.

The Lunar Cycle viruses will probably be fantastic for this deck too, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

23 Jul 2014 DrunkenGineer

Well, this is amusing.