The Blood Burglar (Tested Geist)

CodeMarvelous 20021

So after an extensive day of testing I realized this deck makes an absurd amount of money. I am frequently sitting on 30+ credits so with that in mind I included one vamp.

Vamp deals with caprice and resets the clock when the corp breaks out of the siphon lock. Save the robber breakers to get into remotes and to stay ahead on money. build up and use central breakers to maintain rd pressure without using your precious disposables.

Planned assault helped you capitalize on your window.

Forger helps you deal with tgtbt and with the first tag of a breaking news if they are hoping for traffic accident.

Its a blitz deck that I have found very effective.

Feedback appreciated.

27 Jun 2015 firesa

without knowing much about this kind of deck, I feel like calling it a blitz deck when most of your econ is drip econ set up over time is misleading. A friend tried to throw together a similar deck in Andy (though obviously makes more sense with this ID) and used the supplier to make a lot of stuff a bit cheaper as well, may be worth considering. I am worried about how well this deck would do over the long run. But it does look like it focuses on centrals and uses the one time breakers for remotes. Which is kinda bad if they have 3 or 4 pieces of ice on a remote, or if they play caprice (yes yes, I see the 1 vamp). Anyway curious to see how this kind of deck goes against a range of decks ranging from NEH to Blue Sun (I mean really, what do you do about a curtain wall on a remote?)

27 Jun 2015 CodeMarvelous

I mean you cant be good against everything. that having been said. I think a one of overmind could be your way of dealing with curtain on a remote if you cant get spike up to strength. I mean hammer centrals man thats what I would do lol.

27 Jun 2015 CodeMarvelous

Another thing you could do is find room for 2 E shutdowns

27 Jun 2015 x3r0h0ur

They're called the B&E breakers/Tools. Breaking and Entering. Embrace it.

in case you can't tell, its my creation and its catching on so I'm upselling it.

27 Jun 2015 Watzlav

What is your opinion on Overmind + e3 + Grappling Hook instead of central breakers?

I guess I need to test some more Geist, since inclusion of Levy never made sense to me. I never got to point where it would make sense even with Street Peddler, baby and quite aggresive drawing.

27 Jun 2015 Pinkwarrior

@CodeMarvelous Personally I think you have a way to deal with curtain I find Breach a great breaker for the blue sun match up I usually run it with a Corroder in crim as my barrier breaker suite and find this work very well for all games. I do however run Emergency Shutdown & Inside Job which also can help alot for Curtain Wall So maybe Breach on it's own isn't enough.

Have you thought about the shard's or Feedback Filter with all the new brain damage stuff coming it maybe a nice one off and if you have plenty of money it'll help with Jinteki. It depends on what your seeing around tho really as to it's use.

27 Jun 2015 spiralshadow

Personally I'd rather have Drive By to kill Ash/Caprice as opposed to waiting for Vamp. I like this list a lot, but I'm definitely gonna try and find a way to slot a couple Drive By.

28 Jun 2015 CodeMarvelous

@gumed85 I have but SMC is too much influence the constant RD pressure with the RDI and the central breakers is what buys me the time i need to find my other breakers. Crash space is objectively worse than my console for protecting me from kills. Utopia shard could be interesting

28 Jun 2015 hhooo

Given that Caprice is on HQ against Crim 90% of the time, how does Vamp help this?

28 Jun 2015 CodeMarvelous

well then the remote with the agenda must be easy to get into then

28 Jun 2015 Dydra

I have a feeling this deck has a hard time setting up, since you will spend entire turns drawing "manually" after you play your econ, or your breakers (but will need a few more to get them in the 3-5 str range )

29 Jun 2015 beal2912

Hi, What do you think about Gordman Drip instead of Fall Guy ? it seems good with the Vamp / Siphon stuff. The 2 other cards I had in mind while thinking about this Id was autoscripter and sheherazzade.

Nice Deck

29 Jun 2015 Snake Eyes

There's no card draw nor tutoring. Seems like it'll be slow and low consistency.

30 Jun 2015 spiralshadow

@Snake Eyes No card draw? Read Geist's ID, then take a look at the rest of the decklist lol.

1 Jul 2015 Dydra

@spiralshadow you do realize that he needs to have some amount of setup, before he can start sacking ( usually during a run, so he doesn't waste his sacs just for the sake of the card draw)?

12 Jul 2015 rumirumirumirumi

@Dydra has a similar list to this that includes Earthrise and Career Fair to help move the early game set up along. I think these are good includes because all of my playtesting with Geist has shown there's a point in the midgame after you reach a critical mass of breakers where you can roll over the corp handily, but that the early game is almost without pressure. Getting cheap Data Foldings and Earthrises help you keep up the pace while you're building your board, and without a solid form of early game draw I foresee the timeline of the game being too much opportunity lost early on.