Mommy is a Shaper!

Krams 949

Disclaimer: This is a fun deck and not meant to be taken seriously.

When building Sunny I usually add 3 Data Folding and no other card except Security Nexus and then just assume she has 3 of her 5 to spare for programs since her breakers don't take up any. But what if Sunny actually used that instead of running Data Folding? She'd have room for big rig full of shinannigans - she'd be a shaper!

Too bad I didn't have the influence left for more than 1 DaVinci or a failsafe Clone Chip and maybe a few Modded to get that good stuff out (though Ice Analyzer is a good low inf alternative for that).

I was going to either use Professional Contacts or back that Symmetrical Visage up with a Gene Conditioning Shoppe and Synthetic Blood, but for influence reasons I dicided to get my drawing power elsewhere using Quality Time and Collective Consciousness (which I can use as a 1-of because I can tutor it, unlike resources).

6 Nov 2015 FarCryFromHuman

Hmm... this gave me a thought, Ice Analyzer and Collective Consciousness might be legitimately good in Adam decks due to the rez pressure Always Be Running puts on the corp.

As for this deck, weak to rush and FA (sadly a lot of decks) but seems pretty playable otherwise. Traffic Jam helps with that somewhat but you want to establish R&D lock pretty fast to stand a chance. I really like the draw balance you have, with plenty of mechanics that provide draw alongside other effects, and QT for burst.

If we step back from the pure shaper influence expenditure, Paricia should probably go for Scrubber, and maybe DaVinci for 2x Multithreader. DV is really nice for getting big beasts like Security Nexus into play though.

The Dysons seem unnecessary.

6 Nov 2015 Krams

@FarCryFromHuman Thanks for the comment, as always :)

I agree on the fact that this decks needs some Multithreaders. Besides the obvious use of the for breakers they can also be used to pay SMC.

And yes, maybe this deck doesn't have the early game pressure to make real use of DaVinci. I need to have most of my big pieces out before I can start collecting tokens on it, unless the corp has many undefended servers. This was kinda the idea, to use DaVinci to punish NEH going horizontal with undefended servers. But really, if I see NEH, I tutor up Paricia instead of DaVinci.

And that's kinda the deal with Paricia... Being able to tutor it up. My other Sunny deck uses Scrubbers and [Hostage]s(/en/card/04004). If I see the need to trash a lot, I tutor the Scrubbers out, if not I have plenty other connections to tutor. The same idea goes for this deck: If I need to trash, SMC goes into Paricia, if not, I can use the same tutor to get other stuff.

The Dyson Mem Chips are maybe a little bit too much for now. But if I add Multithreaders I have more programs that actually stick around for a longer time. Plus, I think any Sunny deck needs at least some to boost that Security Nexus. I opted for Dysons because I don't really need the hand size that comes with Borrowed Satellite or the ability to pull out the fast that Rabbit Hole offers.

6 Nov 2015 FarCryFromHuman

All valid points. I agree with the Paricia call after considering the NEH angle... Team Sponsorship is brutal, so you really want to be able to tutor it mid-run.

In this deck the Security Nexus seems like a late-game Femme Fatale that provides instead of taking it... I'm not sure that justifies the cost of the Dysons and you can always pay through the trace. At 3 they are just really draining to install when you probably only need half the card. I guess it's a call between flexibility and board state. Not sure which way to swing here. Access to Globalsec is the obvious replacement to me, not Borrowed Satellite or Rabbit Hole.