Sisyphus Protocol

Sisyphus Protocol 5/2

Agenda: Security

The first time each turn the Runner passes a rezzed code gate or sentry, you may pay 1[credit] or trash 1 card from HQ. If you do, the Runner encounters that ice again.

“Every mind can be dulled by repetition, even our prey’s. Strike when they get complacent, but before you get bored.”
—Charlotte's fifth lesson
Illustrated by Ferenc Patkós
Decklists with this card

Rebellion Without Rehearsal (rwr)

#106 • English
Startup Card Pool
Standard Card Pool
Standard Ban List (show history)
  • Updated 2024-05-27

    If the Corp has multiple scored copies of Sisyphus Protocol, can they use both copies to cause the Runner to encounter the same ice multiple times in a single run?


  • Updated 2024-05-27

    If the Runner uses Inversificator to swap a piece of ice to a different position after they encounter it, can the Corp still use Sisyphus Protocol to make the Runner encounter that ice again?


  • Updated 2024-05-27

    If the Runner bypasses a code gate or sentry and derezzes it with Capybara, can the Corp still use Sisyphus Protocol?

    The abilities of Capybara and Sisyphus Protocol both become pending at the same time, but Capybara’s ability will resolve first because it is the Runner’s turn. Sisyphus Protocol’s ability does resolve, and the Corp can pay 1 or trash 1 card from HQ, but the Runner will not re-encounter the ice because it is no longer rezzed. Sisyphus Protocol’s ability will not meet its trigger condition on any subsequent encounters that turn.

  • Updated 2024-05-27

    If a piece of ice is trashed during an encounter, can the Corp use Sisyphus Protocol to make the Runner encounter the trashed ice?

    No. If the ice is trashed, the Runner will not pass that piece of ice, and Sisyphus Protocol will not meet its trigger condition. Sisyphus Protocol can still meet its trigger condition later in the turn.

  • Updated 2024-05-27

    When the Corp uses Sisyphus Protocol, can the Runner use Physarum Entangler to bypass the ice?

    Yes. Bypassing a piece of ice during a forced encounter ends the encounter.

  • Updated 2024-05-27

    If the Corp uses Sisyphus Protocol to make the Runner encounter a piece of ice hosting Kyuban, will the Runner gain 2 after that encounter?

    No. Forced encounters with ice never proceed to the “pass ice” step.


If you could freely decide which ice to use the ability on once per turn, it would have been busted, but also that's about the level of strength you need to make running 5/2s worth it. As is should have been a 5/3.

EDIT: having played around with it, I'd like to retract my original statement. This card is exactly where it should be. It is obscene on its highs, i.e. when you make the Runner reencounter Anansi or Cloud Eater, but it is just fine on averages as well. Or to rephrase myself, I don't want this agenda stronger than it is, because it already is on the edge of disincentivising running and interacting often, especially if you can somehow "cheat" it in early via Regenesis or other means. Notrunner is not good for the game, I imagine it is the most popular opinion there is.

(Rebellion Without Rehearsal era)