thats ✔ some shaper bullshit right th ✔ ✔ ere

asphyxia 136

*taps mic* is this thing on??

Hi my name is AJ. I'm preparing for our regionals and Jinteki is really strong right now... I'm scared! Any feedback is appreciated (^▽^)

In our meta we also have some Argus, HB Fast Advance and Butchershop around. This deck has evolved from a friend's Chaos Theory deck so as you can imagine it's MU heavy. Be prepared to carefully consider your program install options and keep your eyes out for your Maya.

Opening hand picks

Maya and Magnum Opus are must haves, Sure Gambles don't hurt. You want to get your Notoriety scored for Artist Colony fodder and Account Siphon early if you can as it will kill Rachel Beckman if you have her in play.


Edit: with salsette island the sports hopper looks attractive and so it turns on the underworld contacts. I've switched moddeds for these as the trickle econ will help all game vs a single boost early game. Rabbit holes act as 1 card and will get the link out early.

~Magnum Opus is all you have. Kati jones is good but anti-synergistic with mopus. Underworld Contact or Data Folding require more link and MU than you have. Scrubber should help with the Asset heavy decks you see now days. The first time each game you have Rachel Beckman installed and you spend your whole turn clicking for 10c you get to put a gold star on your ID sleeve. ~


Notoriety + Artist Colony - I don't like Fan Site because it only comes out once the corp scores an agenda. Notoriety still counts as 1AP even if you don't burn it for an emergency Feedback Filter/Plascrete Carapace/Employee Strike

Jesminder Sareen: Girl Behind the Curtain + Rachel Beckman - This card is probably the weakest here but you can't deny that Jes's ability to sneak by a Data Raven or a Snare makes this card viable. As mentioned before run your Account Siphon early because the two tags will be enough to trash Rachel Beckman.

Cheap breaker or Expensive breaker?

There are SMCs for tutoring, those are your only option besides maybe Artist Colony and that's a bad play. Be aware of the board state and how much econ the Corp has. Do you need Gordian Blade or will ZU.13 Key Master be cheaper. Even with Gordian Blade hitting a tollbooth is 7c. If you need to punch through a tollbooth a lot maybe Atman at str 5 will serve you better. Your calculations will have you hitting Magnum Opus less so it's worth it to become familiar with this breaker suite. Play with it and adjust for your meta!!!


Other than this the deck is HONEST NETRUNNER, BREAKERS AND ECON LIKE GOD INTENDED. Some clone chips if you need to flick out a Clot or just have something you like trashed. A deck like this I think will be hard to play well but if you're familiar with the tricks and know when to strike.

Thanks for reading! (^ 3 ^)!!!

  • AJ
24 May 2016 Pinkwarrior

@bunny-pot Rachel Beckman dosn't work with Account Siphon since you can only avoid 1 of the 2 tags so thats something id think about. Also have you thought about taking 2 Vamp or the one Account Siphon? Your econ will have to be really good but I think Magnum Opus can pull that off and you only take one tag which is avoided.

Theirs also the other Code Siphon that you could make use of in here worth trying out I feel.

24 May 2016 herod1204

Speaking as a jinteki player, though not an ig bio ethics lock player, sports hopper is the worst thing to see hit the table, it is an absolute nightmare to play around when trying to get the kill to fire!

25 May 2016 lolpaca

26 May 2016 asphyxia

@Pinkwarrior After some playtesting vamp is good but corps be rich these days so you'd have to really push to kill the econ with Vamp. at least Account Siphon gives you some money back so you can install Rachel Beckman...

Code Siphon is nice but the discount isn't as good for a lot of the expensive breakers you might start the game with. Still evolving the deck but I'm actually a little sad about the upcoming league event. I don't know if it's fast enough to get the wins.

@herod1204 both Sports Hopper and Plascrete Carapace are great cards and people seem to prefer one or the other for a lot of reasons. Nice to see some more viable meat damage protecting options.