[Startup] Criminal: All I do is RUN, RUN, RUN, no matter wha

Solidbuck 2

I've played it once, it was fun. The idea is to Run at least one per turn, but once you get Swift set up, you should be running twice most turns; once with a run event and once with a normal click (made even more efficient by Swift's extra click ability).

Run events like Clockwork and Tread Lightly, assure that you have a credit advantage on many of those runs.

Scrubber is there to likewise allow you to go after some pesky Corp upgrades and assets, while not sweating it too much about having the credits to get through the ice.

Security Testing is an easy click for 2 credits if the Corp refuses to ice up Archives, or rez that single ice protecting a blank server. In the one game I already played this against ( a Near-Earth Hub NBN deck), the Corp had a remote he had established at one point that had a single unrezzed ice that he never wanted to rez, so I just designated it with my Security Testing and made an easy 2 credits each turn. Once he finally rezzed it, I just made Archives my Security Testing server for the rest of the game.

Finally, Boomerang was great for me in that game because both my decoders were at the bottom of my stack, it was the real MVP of the game. That's why its there, so that if you don't draw into one of your needed ice breakers, boomerang will get you through. The Back, in combo with Flip Switch, will bring back your Abaganales as well, or anything else that might address the board state better.

I'm open to any suggestions, specifically on what you might cut to get this closer to the 45 minimum.