Is this Azmari? (3-3 at BLM)

Cpt_nice 1933

I am so lost

As Azmari has been my main competitive deck for the past two years, the new ban list threw a big wrench into my plans for the upcoming season. Eager to try out a few other ID's I enjoy, I decided to use Aginfusion for Nisei's BLM tournament. With middling success.

The deck beat Kit, Hayley and Apocalypse Hoshiko and lost to Leela and 2 regular Hoshiko's. I included a Psychic Field for cheap kills against 419, who was well-represented on the day but I didn't face one. I did managed to get two kills via Punitive.

While Obokata (as well as TFP) is even more of a bench to steal now with Critic gone, I feel this deck needs more money if you are gonna lean into Punitive kills. Maybe replace The Future Perfect with SSL, or even an Obo. The virus hate was pretty good but not as good as I expected.

Thanks to everyone who helped organise the tournament, all donators and players, and the community in general! I am so proud to be a part of it.