This deck was built from a list provided to me by Scott Kincaid of our meta, originally of the New Jersey meta. I've tweaked it for meta purposes. The deck itself is super fun to play, works quite well, and captures all that Shapers want to do. At our last Store Championship, this deck went 6-2, winning against Titan Transitional, NEH, and Industrial Genomics (getting me to 5th out of 14). It's only loss was against an NEH Fast Advance that just got moving too quickly and I had no chance to find clot. But, I at least had 2 points scored and 2 on Film Critic.
As far as opening, you want Scheherazade and Aesop's Pawnshop out as soon as possible. Technical Writer is always nice to see early. From this point, the credits just flow as you just do what a Shaper does-install cards, especially programs. Each of the program choices are either to make money, break in, or get you more cards. Hyperdriver works as Diesel number 4 and 5, but also helps give you a longer turn to prepare for a big run. And with Hayley's ability, so many of her installs are two for one. And Scheherazade only makes those program installs that much sweeter.
There are five major meta cards that each could be altered.
1)Artist Colony helps deal with News Teams and Shi.Kyu's. It also helps find missing pieces for Hayley's engine, especially after a Levy AR Lab Access. If you find Artist Colony has no use for you, just sell it to Aesop for 3. And more than likely, you got it on a free install.
2)Film Critic is an obvious inclusion and helps with so many matchups-Butchershop, RP, NAPD Contracts, and any Punitive shenanigans. And it also helps keep Explodapalooza from going off.
3)Clot is just anti-Fast Advance, something every runner needs. And you can even bring it out at instant speed with SMC or Clone Ship.
4)Paricia helps deal with all the asset heavy Corp decks we see currently. But again, Aesop has his eye on this one if you don't need it any more.
5)Dorm Computer has become one of my favorite splash cards. It hits any NBN Tag decks hard as they try to Data Raven you or Gutenburg you to death, especially with Keegan Lane hiding at the end of the servers. I have won multiple games with this and multiple R&D Interfaces on the table. Dorm Computer can let you just walk into tag protected servers. And News Team has no effect on you (nor a tag from Snare). And when it runs out of counters, Aesop wants that junk. Even better, your probably got it into play with a free install. Double Score!
This deck is always a blast to play but is very technical. Timing is everything, and you want to try to install a lot of cards on the Corps turn as well to give you even more free clicks. Also, always keep a Chameleon on Personal Workshop. Having the ability to bring it in at instant speed and choose an ICE type on a run is extremely useful.
I plan on playing this deck for a long time and tweaking it constantly. Please comment below and let me know what you think!
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