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Big Rig recursion based Kate Deck. Hayley could also be used, and would actually be one of the first edits I would make. This deck wins in stage 3, by getting breakers + money. It can also get the tools it needs, when it needs them with SMC and Clone chip.
Battering Ram. Yes. Battering Ram. You heard it. It will be a dead card until they play around Lady by stacking all their barriers, Elis, etc, on R&D. Then install this to crush them. This card techs for Lady's weakness, and otherwise wouldn't be used.
Phase 1: Mulligan for MO or way to get it, and build economy. Use SMC to steal agenda in 'safe' scoring remote.
Phase 2: Set up R&D Lock
Phase 3: install the surprise Battering Ram if needed to counter the stacked barriers on R&D, and win with agendas they don't draw.
Then Levy AR Labs and do it again.
26 May 2015
27 May 2015
Sruman, I agree with most of your points there. The battering ram, however, increases this deck's win% so much in playtesting, as it stops the Heimdall 1,0, Eli, Eli, Heimdall 2.0 Server that completely hoses this deck. -1 Kati, -1 SOT, +2 Earthrise seems sensible. What do you think about something like symmetrical visage to boost most turns that go "Draw, Opus, Opus, Install"? |
27 May 2015
In general I'm a big fan of the baby but like pro-co I think it's a bit anti-synergistic with Magnum (but not as much) since magnum makes your clicks more valuable and thus a 3rd Earthrise would be better than SV in my opinion. That being said, Kati + Magnum are a bit in conflict since you don't need Kati as much as and may benefit more from other cards in those deck slots (maybe even more card draw to find the magnum or magnum-tutors). |
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Imho, you need much more draw power since every click to draw is not clicking for 2 credits. I would suggest EArthrise Hotel since 2 magnum clicks = 6 cards. Something like -- -1 Kati Jones, -1 Same old thing, -1 battering ram for 3 Earthrise Hotels. With 3 test runs and 3 scavenges + 1 same old thing, you might want to consider Torch over Gordian blade since it can be cheated out with tr+scav for 0.