Fake Borehole Ob (5th @France nats)

AlPi 826

Superdeep Borehole? Cool! How do you get a Borehole win with this deck?

You don't! :D

We trash Borehole before it gives a bad pub to get a 5 cost card. In this case, it is a Funhouse or Hostile Architecture. The Funhouse almost always goes on R&D.
When the runner checks the naked installed Borehole you get such funny confused reactions. They never will, but if they do trash it, you tax 6 credits WORTH.

The deck is a grinder deck, we do damage with Urban Renewal until we can score naked City Works Project because the runner doesn't have enough cards to steal it while double advanced.
You often win because the runner makes a mistake. You can get a kill with Public Trail + End of the Line. Or if they run last click you can use Mavirus to install a Ping on that server, tagging them.
Our big counter is Cupellation, especially combined with Pinhole Threading it is even worse. Early Miss Bones can also be problematic.

I took this deck to France nats, it went 2-1. I would not recommend bringing this to a tournament thought, you have to play superfast so you have enough time to grind the runner out. This deck can lose to time very easily.

Here is my runner write-up where I go more in depth how my tournament went.

France nats was great! Thx to all the people making that tournament possible, met some awesome people <3

28 Aug 2024 Porkobolo

Next level big brain play, i'm so amazed by this. Perfection!

29 Aug 2024 Shishu

I would simply play building blocks and logjam. But cool concept.