Liberated Faust

RaidJTC 2

Fun shaper deck that has massive card draw due to LVD and Ubax. Add Faust +e3 and you can break in basically anywhere. Zu and Mimic are for the popular AI counter ice that are out there. Haven't seem much wraparound so no need to throw in the inti. Rumor mill is a must due to sandburg, ashe, and caprice.

All-nighter, Beth, and hyperdriver allow you to threaten liberated chela. Chela is a dumb card but it results in some interesting decisions that the corp needs to make mid to late game. For instance, if your at 5 point, the corp is forced to remove one of their agendas which buys you several turns to keep poking HQ and RD. You can also throw that out and add Artist Colony to ensure you find Faust faster. Having the extra clicks is helpful vs HB bioroids.

Freedom and Notoriety are to close out the game (or to be upgraded with Chela)

I removed indexing and mad dash due to heavily relying on my film critics in the current meta.


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